
Delivery Room Frazzlements.

This weekend, my mother's sister, Julie, my uncle Ed & cousin Natalie from Minot, ND came through Holstein for a visit. I finally made it back to have a nice BBQ with them last night before they headed back. And I was surprised with bags...yes bags...of goodies for Baby. He's already becoming quite a spoiled little guy! It was so nice & I appreciate their generosity =) Now that I'm home for a while, I get to participate in more family gatherings that I used to miss out on all the time. So, it was really fun to catch up & share sonogram pictures & stories & plans with them!

Since being back home, I definitely noticed I have a clockwork pattern of sleeping...in bed around 10-10:30 ish & then up a couple times throughout the night for anywhere from 5 minutes to hours. So, last night, on one of my predictable trips back from the bathroom, my mind started wandering once hitting the pillow again. And of course, where did it go (besides from hoping Baby is a healthy little pea)...one of the primary & scariest places a new mom-to-be's head goes...the delivery room! And I've been on this trip before...just ask Mike...I've randomly called him on several occasions merely proclaiming how freaked out I am! I think it's normal right!?! Has to be. I blame part of my anxiety on being such a perfect kid growing up, I never had as much of a food allergy or broke a bone or had my tonsills out...needless to say this will be my first time as the patient in a hospital. I'll be able to get over it once I'm settled in & take in my new environment...well then & when the epidural kicks in! Haha.

Michael asked the other day if he was going to be in the delivery room when our son is born...I think he was secretly wishing I would say 'no you don't have to' for fear of what he's going to see & pass out! But let's be real...ummmm yes... of course he's going to have a front row seat to this magic show...who else did you think would be in there...my 2nd grade teacher?! And for that amount of time I made it clear he would be doing everything EVERYTHING I ask him to do =) Which he agreed to as he replied, 'of course, for those 20 minutes it takes, I will do anything'. Haha. I immediately shot him one of my famous 'are you kidding me?!' looks in regards to that comment, but then I stopped & thought...hey, he must be having the same dreams I've been having... (something like where we're in & out in no time b/c the delivery is over in about 20, there's absolutely no uncomfortable embarassing moments, I don't bite off Mike's hand, I'm skipping around after about an hour & there's rainbows & sunshines all over the place). It's such a panic-reducing dream. But c'mon...I am a little more realistic about it than that. We're definitely starting to anticipate those moments as they approach us...quickly.

I'm not sure as to exactly how we're going to ease ourselves or prepare for the delivery room or if it's possible...all I know right now, is that I have quite a wandering mind about it at 2am! I think that I need to find some good literature...not 'the scariest, most disgusting stories in child labor' literature, but some 'to the point, I don't want any surprises about that please' reading. Because don't even get me started w/ episiotomies! Kegels, kegels, kegels!!! =) I'm gladly taking suggestions in this department.


We've Got a Live One!

Baby is going through stages of leading a very sedentary lifestyle for about a week and then the next week, he's all over the place & I can feel him constantly. He was practically jumping out of my belly this morning & Mike's face when he saw it was priceless! All weekend I felt like he was instructing a baby cardio class in there...it felt like he was curling up in a little ball & then stretching out, I think I even caught a foot up between my ribs for a while =) Felt good...haha not really, but it's a fun experience even so.

I spent the weekend basking in the sun & taking advantage of the nice weather. Needless to say, I wouldn't mind some clouds for a while...dare I say it?! I logged some time at the pool... & let me tell you...it's such a great feeling to feel weightless in the water! I was also up in Sioux Falls, which was a nice relaxing weekend hanging out w/ Mike's fam. We failed to take photos, so this post lacks visual enhancement, unless you are able to check out Liz's post of 'B&Mike' on her facebook...in a previous post I mentioned the skillful moves of Michael...I knew at some point there would be video footage! Awww! We hit up the Airshow on Sunday...let me give you the cliffnotes...115 degrees & pregnant. Ok, it wasn't 115, but in pregnancy temperature it was! =) No, I'm really not complaining, it was fun & loud & the airplanes were really interesting, Liz chatted up some Blue Angels =) & Ava got to sit in a chopper. Plus...when we got back, Mike & Jolin grilled, we filled up the kiddie pool & started up the sprinkler...ahhh sweet relief. And speaking of sweet relief...my back had gone back to normal by Sunday...knock on wood...I feel good. I plan on starting this week w/ some job pursuits & then to head back to Holstein to make sure all is well there =)


The Hilarity of Growing a Baby Bump.

Am I wearing bottoms to my swimming suit...am I not wearing bottoms?! Haha!!! For some reason as I was trying to get some rays today, I thought this was the most hilarious image...& apparently needed to share it w/ you all. And for the record...there were some bottoms hidden underneath there somewhere.

The weather this afternoon finally spared us from clouds and rain & brought some clear blue skies, so as I mentioned...I was able to bathe in the sun for a while today. I also started a book that my friend, Marcell, gave to me as a gift...Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay (and Other Things I Had To Learn As a New Mom) by Stefanie Wilder-Taylor. Molly Shannon reviewed the book as hilarious, so we'll see what it has to offer...& we'll see if I'm convinced of the title =)


120 Days Is Equal To...

= 2880 hours

= 17.142 weeks

= .328 years

= 10,368,000 seconds

= 172,800 minutes

= .003 centuries.

I think 'weeks' is the most intimidating one up there! Everytime I hop on the blog, I have that ticker in my face...just counting down the days. Well, for some reason, I looked at it today & thought 120 days?! What?! And then on a tangent I thought...can't we just skip the whole delivery part & get right into the good stuff?! ...& then back to reality went my head... It didn't seem like much time at all & so I decided to do some conversions just to see a different perspective. Hmmm. There's so much planning & preparation that takes place & I feel like my time is dwindling at such a fast rate! It's definitely raising the excitement bar & I feel like I'm becoming more & more of a mom each day. I am very motivated right now that's for sure! I took a visit to the chiropractor yesterday as Baby (I love you!) is bound & determined to start challenging me already w/ this continued back pain =) I do take part responsibility for that though b/c this past weekend I did get a little cocky on the dance floor & brought out the old 'Vanilla Ice routine'. Let's hope I soon get back into normal 'walking' ...as I'm still resembling a 90-yr old as I recover. I have found that bicycling is far less intrusive on my back & hip, so I'm relieved to be able to get some physical activity throughout my day. Other than that, my major pasttimes right now are job searching (ugh!), online baby shopping (yay!) & checking the blog as that little bottle shifts closer & closer to "D" Day...120 days to go...& can't wait!!!


Thoughts While 'Trippin.

Baby & I roadtripped this morning for our last monthly checkup w/ our doctor in Ames. We'll now be transferring as we make our transition to transition to Sioux Falls. We are still residing in Holstein, so we're gonna find a doctor more locally & then once & for all, find a doctor in SF. Since both of Michael's sisters have already gone through the experience there, we have a great recommendation...just have to get up there first =) I kind of forgot what 6:00 am feels like lately, so it was a bit of a shocker when I was on the road by 7 o'clock this morning. Thinking I might need a little assistance w/ the drive, I decided to grab some half decaf/half regular coffee...thinking 'what is this going to hurt?', it wasn't much...& so we took off. Side note - I was a 'coffee everyday kinda girl' before pregnancy & eliminated that out of my daily diet upon my news. So, needless to say, the small amount that I consumed while driving didn't sit well & those all too familiar feelings of nauseousness hit me about 10 minutes before my appointment! Sweet. Guess I will think twice about consuming anymore in the future!

I have been on the road quite a bit lately between Ames, Holstein & Sioux Falls in my search for jobs and moving & I've fully taken advantage of singing to Baby on each trek! I switched the satelite radio to some hip/hop club beats to get our trip rollin'. My second attempt to make the early morning drive seem less annoying! We started it off w/ a little Rihanna Disturbia & I immediately got the vision of the video (PLEASE VISIT THIS LINK TO FIND OUT WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMdWqaN_Tms). This is an homage to my cousin Donna, b/c it's one of our favorite YouTube videos to watch. And all I have to say, is I'm so glad that I did not have access to webcams and the internet like this little girl b/c this was the kind of stuff I would do all the time!

As we continued down the road, we also enjoyed some Snoop Dogg/Dr. Dre tracks & then I gave Baby a taste of "Daddy's music" aka the Bluegrass station. I wanted to give him a well-rounded experience & show off my musical talents as well...hey, it made the trip go faster =)

The monthly visit went good. It's still always so exciting to listen to Baby's heartbeat! I'm gaining some more lbs. & my blood pressure is surprisingly still normal, considering the amount of change & adjusting that's going on right now...kudos to me I guess! I'm measuring slightly larger than what I should be in comparison to my due date, which could mean nothing or it could mean that this little guy is a little further along than we think...time will tell I suppose. This was the first regular visit that we didn't have anything special to talk to the doctor about or see pictures, so Daddy didn't accompany us today. It was, however, a little strange to not have him in the waiting room next to me trying to guess how pregnant each woman was that walked through the room or to joke about 'playing doctor' as we're waiting for the real doctor to come into the exam room (once again this is Michael's mind...please note that only joking took place in the past - haha). I did give him a call to report on the appointment afterwards & let him know his little man is doing good! He gets so excited now that I've started to feel movement. He rested his head on my stomach to listen & feel movement the other day...waited & listened...he ended up falling asleep there & sure enough, Baby got to moving & started giving his ole Daddy a couple of little knocks to his head. Haha, it was funny to me, but Mike had no idea as he slept away. I know both of them can't wait to play w/ each other!

After the appointment, we continued our journey & headed back to Holstein. I now have my bike w/ me, so I'm going to try & see if I can still incorporate some exercise w/out causing anymore damage to my back, but I may just have to issue some more self-prescribed bedrest again if that doesn't work ;)


Hanny Ba-nanny.

I'm really getting excited for the little man to meet all the family both Mike & I have. Although the numbers don't compare to the Schweitzberger clan =) I'm super excited for Baby to meet my cousins. They're a fun group & more specificially, my cousin Eric, whom I come to find out...really enjoys naming babies. I know he's offered a couple of "good ideas" to some friends, & true to his new found hobby...we were no exception. I met up w/ Hanny (what I call him) a couple of weeks ago & he seemed very enthusiastic about getting this baby a name. Well...let me back it up for a sec...since Michael & I found out we're having a boy, we HAVE settled on a name. BUT we're keeping it a SECRET, which I have made quite clear...but it made this social hour w/ Hans (our last name is Hanson for those of you reading that aren't familiar) quite hilarious. I've decided to share w/ you his ideas for the baby name...& let you do the judging...please keep in mind that he DID have a little help from Grandpa's ole Cough Medicine...if ya know what I mean =)

Here goes...& this comes straight from the tiny napkin he so generously logged each name on & made me take home w/ me after his naming session...I don't think every idea quite made the list...I guess these were just the most elite...or fitting in his mind...
Raphael (yes all 4 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles made the list!)
Chester (our grandpa's name)
Okoboji (I mean...what?!)
and last, but not least Eric.

I can't wait for him to meet our little boy & I'm so excited to introduce him to the rest of both our wonderful families. And who knows...maybe someday Eric can share w/ him the story of how he was helped named by him after he tossed back a couple of cold ones and had a brainstorming session on a bevnap ;)


Losing Sleep & Gaining Weight.

That title pretty much sums it up for the time being... I can also report that I've entered the 'having crazy dreams' portion of the pregnancy...who would've thought that chapter existed, but it does! I rarely remember my dreams anymore, but one in particular remained in the memory bank after I awoke the other morning - - ---So, there I was on the shoreline of a lake...probably living vicariously through all of you that were fortunate to be lake-bound over the 4th...& I had my cell phone in hand...then in true form to how clumsy as I have been lately...dropped my phone into the lake...I immediately dredged through the water & frantically splashed around reaching and kicking up sand until I snatched up the phone...I quickly picked at the back panel for the battery so I could dry it out & as I do...nothing but Ramen noodles come pouring out the back of my phone! Ugh...how frustrating. Haha!!!

For blogs sake, I really don't have a lot to share these days, but I don't want to neglect my new hobby, so I give you these random thoughts & stories of what's going on...as non-exciting as they are...sorry, it's all I got. Anyway for an update, I'm grateful that the nauseousness bug has pretty much up & left me, but before it left, I think it made a fair trade w/ a little 90-yr-old lady & convinced her to take over my body as I once knew it! I'm not joking...I walk around like I'm the physique of a little old lady. I know Mike gets a pretty good kick out of me reaching out my hand for assistance like I'm shooting an "I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up" commercial! =) Good times & don't get me wrong, it's all gonna be worth it!!!


A Long December.

December?! Read on... Well the excitement of the 4th of July has sadly passed us by again...I think I can still smell the tinge of sulfur lingering in my nose though. I attended the Saturday in the Park music festival in Sioux City, IA w/ my parents and sister this year. I had attended before...a long long time ago...but very memorable, shows included Big Head Todd & the Monsters & Rita Marley on two separate occasions...& no beer garden appearances this year either =) Anyway, the weather was very disappointing to say the least on our day of independence, cool w/ rain...eventually clearing off w/ the element of humidity creeping in the air...but at least it wasn't a complete washout. Of course we get up there & after walking a huge hill from our parking spot (my sister Britt was impressed)...I was starved...haha, go figure! Oh & it was hot dog & popcorn & funnel cake heaven there =) Bad pregnant girl! Just kidding, I was good, well as good as you can be considering your options. But what did save the day, our friends, the Rubles from Holstein, were asked to be a vendor & share their amazing smoked BBQ this year! YES! So, we satisfied our appetites & found a place on the grass hill to plant it before the show. Oh...& the Counting Crows played. I was a little bummed about missing some of the other musical entertainement during the day, but definitely was anticipating some Mr. Jones. I had been looking forward to hearing these guys ever since I heard they were making an appearance...& baby & I weren't let down! Great show & they even did a rendition of The Beatles 'Somebody to Love' during the encore! Very cool. The evening ended w/ a fireworks display & then an hour drive home & then passing out b/c this ole girl just can't stay up late anymore! Overall, it was a great experience.


Oooh We're Halfway There.

A little Bon Jovi shout out for you guys there...lame I know, but it was stuck in my head. I am referring to the fact that we've reached the halfway mark of the pregnancy...20 weeks down...& 20 more weeks of craziness to go! The bump's growing, I have finally gone through a whole day w/out nauseousness...or at least I'm not noticing it b/c it has tapered off, and I now have the daily duty of monitoring & plucking the black hairs growing around my belly button (that's a fun one let me tell you)! And honestly, I am anticipating some more belly growth in the rest of the 2nd tri & into the 3rd...bring it on =) Speaking of the belly, I've started to feel some frequent movements in there...which is exciting & less invasive of what's to come w/ the big kicks & shifting of body parts! Other than that, I don't have a lot to share at this moment, but possibly July will bring about some change & I'll be motivated to let you all know...for now, just taking it one day at a time.

I do wish everyone a safe & enjoyable 4th of July!!!