killing some time in denver on our layover.
our week here has been busy busy busy, to say the least. family! friends! fiestas! oh my. we celebrated thanksgiving with my family in holstein on turkey day. and hence the post title...oliver thought the sage stuffing my mother made was the best! it is good. and i was thoroughly impressed that he ate everything on the menu! later in the week, i had my cousin, donna's, bachelorette party to attend. and i am probably pushing 2 years on attending such an event...& a lot of things are different 2 years i made sure to manage myself! we stayed at stoney creek inn in sioux city. ate a wonderful meal of pasta & vino at luciano's. and then sang, danced & were merry the rest of the night. it was great. i managed to also sneak in a traditional eve before thanksgiving day night out (did that make sense?!), two photoshoots, a friend's birthday party, a visit to the nursing home to see oliver's great grandpa (which basically ended up me chasing him up & down halls the whole time while he stole the elderly's walkers) & many other visits with friends & family. oh yeah...& i am now a new owner of a canon eos 60d! merry christmas to me!!! i plan on indulging myself in it completely once i get back to colorado! enjoy the photos!
best. turkey. ever.
happy birthday taneal!
and a very special thanks to maureen for singing every word to 'shook me all night long' (ac/dc) for the band =)
allie on stage.
and thus ends our midwest trip back for onto christmas plans...