
photo bomb of oliver & august.

and...it's only taken about seven months...but i finally captured both boys...together =)

as you can see...this was how my usual attempts played out...


ashley + aaron.

this weekend, we travelled down to ames, iowa to take part in our friends' wedding. michael was a groomsman for aaron & oliver was the "ring" bearer. pause for quotations gesture "ring" bearer. there were no rings that would be in oliver's possession ;) we were thrilled that the two of them wanted to have oliver a part of their big day, however, it kind of made me a little a lot nervous. currently, he's not the most compliant. and the lack of a nap lurking in the background was a little unsettling. but...we kept it positive & had a lot of snacks, some pirate stickers, apple juices & the iPod packed! and when i saw my little baby man in his tuxedo for the first time...pulled my little heartstrings *sigh*. the weekend went perfect...& we brought my parents down w/ us for babysitting reinforcements so we could take full advantage of the night/weekend out.

we had the most fun of times. seeing & catching up with old friends. great food. a crisp fall wedding day. a glass of wine {or six} & celebrating the marriage of our dear amazing friends. i'm a bit of an overachiever & i am going to get my photos posted already. i know, i know...look at me go. enjoy. we did.


august turned six months & bubble time.

little gus marked his six months in the world on the 27th of august. i didn't post at all during the month of august. whoops. busy busy. you know the spiel. this six month marked a lot of things...3 months of a healthy happy baby! relief. he's growing like a little fatso! i love it. he weighs in at 17 lbs 11 oz & is 27 inches. we started him on rice/oatmeal. and like his bro, he favored the oatmeal. we held off on starting any other foods before this six month mark as recommended by his doctor...despite my shear hatred for washing bottles...omg i cannot wait to be done w/ bottles =) given his past health history, it was vital that we take the introductions to food at a slower pace, as to not develop any asthmatic or allergic reactions. after the go-ahead to begin introducing the "oranges" {carrots, squash, sweet potatoes}...we started right up that night. on the gus menu...sweet tatoes! i referenced the chart i kept when we started new foods w/ oliver...accompanied by a smiley face {he liked it}, frowny face {he did not like it} or the straight face {no response, he just ate it}. it'll be interesting to see how gus responds to new foods in comparison to oliver. as for the sweet tatoes...he shuddered the first couple bites, so i distracted him with the more familiar oatmeal & switched in a couple of bites of the "questionable orange goo mama was feeding me". i supposed that i would give him a 'smiley face' rating on the sweet tatoes. however, mike would probably disagree! he tried the next day & said he gagged & puked up his first bite. next day, i had luck...maybe he just prefers mama at feeding time...i don't know ;) we'll continue to get through oranges w/out a horrific puke show that his brother put on for me after trying pumpkin. oh the puking pumpkin everywhere in the car episode...uggghhhhh...it still gives me nightmares.

gus has also began teething. again...his brother has paved a bit of a path for some of these milestones, so it's always interesting to make a comparison. so far...& i don't want to jinx it...gus hasn't had as much of a hard time w/ the teething as olly did. however, we haven't sprouted any toofers yet. he's been introduced to sophie the giraffe, drools like there's no tomorrow & gnaws on everything else he can possibly get his hands on. c'mon teeth! i just hope one morning we wake up & they're just all in. poof! like magic. if not, we have a mini airplane bottle of jack daniels on reserve =)

gussy's move towards mobility is in full effect too. he's conquered the roll from the back to the tummy, enjoys it for about 3 seconds & then gets mad. someday soon, he'll get the reverse figured out & then it's gonna be all down{up?}hill from there. get ready, he's gonna want to keep up with number one!

and speaking of number one...he has officially become a little boy that can pee in the potty. he has also since developed a non-stop obsession w/ his weiner, but that's another thing. and i'm proud to say we accomplished this all without having to get out the dreaded "potty dance" video. sorry liz =) but, i remember watching a commercial with the "potty dance" on it & i distinctly remember telling my mom "i will never be doing the potty dance. ever" - ha! just glad oliver took to peeing in the potty like eating marshmallows for breakfast. he has dubbed it "bubble time" b/c he enjoys watching all the bubbles he makes while draining the snake.

labor day weekend, we travelled down to ames to tailgate & head to the iowa state game opener. we spent the weekend with friends, ashley & aaron butcher. i had not been to ames since i moved, halfway preggers w/ oliver. it was a bit strange to be back & mike & i argued about how to get to certain places b/c neither of us wanted to admit that we couldn't remember the driving directions once we had to navigate around town. haha! we were also able to catch up with plenty of friends & family, since the majority of my fam willingly cheer for the cyclones ;) it was fun & we were very excited to see ashley & aaron before their big wedding day in two weeks! both oliver & mike are in the wedding, so this will also mark the first time oliver wears a tuxedo & {god-willing} does not make a spectacle going down the aisle as a ring-bearer! i have faith little man...& plenty of gummies waiting for you at the front of the church =)

i have no photos from that weekend...i pulled out my camera & realized the battery was dead...i know, i'm dumb. i do have photos on board to post from our summer ramblings, however, i need to get through my celebration barn wedding shots before i even focus on sharing those. i think i only have about 10 more hours of editing. here are a couple of random shots from the weekend in iowa city. gotta love food on sticks & the round up!