
we're pregnant!!! for reeaaaalz this time.

so, ironically...the next to last post was titled exactly the same...except for the "for reeeealllz this time" follow up. and no i didn't accidentally re-post...it's july...& that was for april fools. and this is no april fools...we are excited to announce that we will be expecting baby schweitzberger number two in february! long live the blog address =) since oliver has now graduated to whatever you want to call it...toddler stage...terrible twos {he began his terrible twos the day after his first birthday i swear!}...we didn't want the blog to become neglected...of course, it has...& since i've already decided that i'm probably going to be calling oliver my baby until he's 50...society frowns upon that...so new baby schweitzberger will have to fill that gap.

oliver is becoming quite frequented with "baby" talk. we ask him where the baby is and...at first, he would lift up my shirt & poke at my belly button...now when you ask "oliver, where's the baby?"...it's a quick lift of his own shirt to show you his belly. well, not quite the right belly little man, but he's getting the point. he's already begun to blow kisses onto mama's belly, imitating fart noises & entertaining us all &  listen by smashing his ear up to my stomach. it's going to be interesting how it all pans out. i think that this is one of the first things that new second parents think about...how's the first child going to accept & behave with the second child...stay tuned...

so, yes, i have deeply neglected you bloggies for months...& months...but for a brief explanation, hear me out. i started a new job about three months ago. let me tell you, it's been a godsend to be working...but, the transition from no schedule/flexibility to do whatever to clocking in & out...sucked. not gonna lie. oliver, transitioned to daycare quite well...& i dodged the first time daycare crazy bawling mommy transition because he was 18 months old & let's face it...i could stand to be away from him for a period of time...you know what i mean =) it is, however, the best feeling to go pick him up at the end of the day...it always brightens my mood & refreshes me for the evening to come.

as far as where else i've left you all hanging...mike is working in aurelia still pouring concrete...we'll just leave it at that. oh! and we bought a house in holstein! so, it looks like our residency here is going to be more permanent this time =) plus...i told mike that if we ever...EVER moved again, it would only be under the circumstances that oliver was graduated from high school, i didn't have to any of the packing, driving of a large moving vehicle {okay riding shot gun} or unpacking anything. we would leave that up to others & i would just show up at our new residence. so, that said, we have settled into our little money pit...2 houses south of my parents mind you, & have been enjoying the new space. we have a lot of plans for updating & remodeling...especially now with baby two arriving in february...our plans for some of this needs to move a little sooner than later! very exciting though.

a little update on the pregnancy so far...like clockwork...a couple days after we confirmed the pregnancy...i retreated into 24-7 nauseousness...again! turns out, this body just doesn't agree with pregnancy! i've a lot of indigestion this time around. something i don't ever recall with oliver...hmmmmm...could it be an indicator of the sex?! and other than that...i've just been trying to creep my way through extreme tiredness which is the first trimester.  i really hope to at least post some photos from the past 3 months to update you more on the goings-ons. time just doesn't seem to be anything i have anymore. a giant transition for me!!! so, please stay tuned...