
Mommy Moments.

I have sporatic moments of excitement when I think of random events I'm really (really really not the sarcastic really this time) looking forward to after our little guy is born. I thought that I'd share some of them with you...

Blanket Forts...this used to be a staple activity when we stayed overnight at my grandparent's & I'll make sure my child carries on the tradition...b/c I'll be the one suggesting & sleeping in it...probably alone b/c it won't be as fun to my child but that's one parenting risk I'm going to take!

Mac & Cheese...I sometimes feel that in my adult world I shouldn't get so hooked &/or excited about eating Macaroni & Cheese, but now...I have an excuse!

Soccer Mom Moments...& when I say soccer mom I really mean like baseball or football (unless soccer is the dream & then I'll be a soccer mom)...I'm just not going to be in a minivan...or station wagon (Mike! That was directed towards you!).

Convincing my child that crock-pot meals aren't as bad as he thinks...my mom attempted this one as I was growing up to none avail...the second I saw that thing out on the counter in the morning before school, I didn't really want to come back that evening. But, I always would. I have since transformed my thought processes behind crock-pot meals &...I even have one of my own &... realize it was more for convenience of time rather than making your kids mad about the dinner choice as I was convinced she was doing =) And, I could probably kill two birds with one stone on this one...I'm sure there's a really great Mac & Cheese Crock Pot Recipe waiting for me to discover!

Swim Lessons...how fun! We're gonna have a little fish I hope!

Bathtime...I mean c'mon...isn't the smell of clean Johnson & Johnson baby the best?! Plus, it'll be fun to give him little baby mohawks after we wash his hair!

Those are just a few that I've been thinking about lately, I'm sure I'll be adding more in the future. I'm finding that they help ease the growing anxiety of being a new mom with an 'outside of me' baby. And I think he agrees that it's time to get a move on soon (say 8ish weeks). I believe he's perched himself with his sweet little head resting on my bladder & his cute little feet lodged up into my ribs. But, I don't blame him, the space he's working with has to surely be closing in on him...I feel like just the other day I expanded in the amount of hours. That little monkey literally woke me up from his flip flopping around in there the other morning! Talk about a wake up call!

Per Leighton's request, here is a photo of my haircut. I'm smiling like a fool...not really into the glamour shots these days, I took it quick in the car after I left the salon...anyway, there ya go, bangs.

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