Monkey must've been getting a little fresh =)

He thought the party hat was pretty neat!
I have more to share, but for some reason the photo uploader keeps switching back the orientation so they are all sideways...it's driving me nuts, so if I can get them to position the correct way, I'll post. That is all for now.
Thursday evening, I ventured out into the cold icy tundra, for a friend's grand opening of her new photography studio in Holstein. The inside of the building was restored to original features & it has a very Chicago lofty touch to it. A warm ambiance & feel to it. The historic building, for you Holsteinian readers, is located on the corner of Main & 2nd Street, across the street south of the Heritage Bank. I left Mr. Oliver at home with Grandma & Grandpa, so this allowed me some interaction with other young adults. I was able to enjoy a glass of wine with friends & escape conversations that revolved around pooping, tooting & burping. It was nice to sneak in a couple of bittersweet moments outside of parenting, but I was soon happy to be back home, checking out my little man fast asleep.
The photos I uploaded were taken on my phone.
I also wanted to update everyone on the Colorado Movement. Michael called on Saturday with some exciting news...he found us a place to live! He signed & moved in that day too! I'm sure he's relieved to have that task done...I personally know that house hunting is no fun...it's not as bad as car shopping =) but can be pretty stressful & time consuming...luckily Daddy was on the mission because he rarely stresses (unlike Mama) & he got the job done! He was our new home hero! And, although it took some readjustment on my behalf because it requires a longer waiting period...we've come up with a good moving plan. We've established that the weekend of February 20th will be more appropriate. We have a very important wedding reception to attend that weekend, so instead of moving at the end of January & then turning around & tacking on another 26 hour trip (with Oliver mind you)...we will do everything in one weekend! Ahhh...it's a bit scary for me to think about...but with my great abilities to organize, multitask & prepare...I think I'll be able to handle it =) So...what have I done so far to get us prepared...I've prepared for preparing. Does that count? Most of our belongings are already packed, but I know there is probably a lot to take care of before we leave...so, I should probably start getting after it!