
Weekend Visits, Negative Temperatures & Colorado Update.

This past weekend proved to be another freezing cold one! I honestly think that there was a 60 degree difference between Daddy's home & our home right now. We're -30 with windchill & Michael is experiencing 30 degrees above zero...above zero!? This week has been a bit nicer with sunshine & degrees getting up into the 20s. Something to brag about, I know. The sunshine is still rather deceiving, given when you step outside you still mumble numerous unmentionable profanities, shake your fist at the 20 inches of snow still lurking around & silently remind yourself to not leave the house again for 8 more days. Oh...what...is that just me?! =) Let's just be honest here...I hate winter...snow...& bitter coldness. I keep hearing that Colorado offers up better weather so I have that going for me. Moving on...

This past weekend, we finally got to meet baby Stella Louise Doxtad. My cousin, Emily & her hubby (this isn't a word I use frequently, my grandma uses it a lot so I thought that I'd try it out) James, had their lil girlie on Christmas Eve. She is great! And she is so tiny...awww...this illustrated to me how quickly the little ones change! Emily couldn't believe, looking at Oliver, that that's what Stella would be like in 2 months. She's already saying she doesn't want her to grow up =) It was great to share stories & admire what a beautiful Mama Miss Emily is. We love you guys & you'll have to come see us in Colorado =) Get that Stella on some skis...or she can join me in the cozy lodge & snuggle =) But we do look forward to watching her grow...EMILY NEEDS TO START A BLOG!!! And by the way, I love the photo (although a bit blurry I think) of Em, Stella, Oliver & I...I love...Oliver's look of admiration at Stella is cute!

My good buddy Matthew Nobles came over to visit Mr. Oliver this last weekend also. And I have to give him props for taking such a good photo. Let me preface...Nobles gets extremely nervous around little babies...especially babies who can't hold their heads up, gets him all sweaty-palmed & anxious...haha! So, I explained to him that Oliver has a strong neck & he can be held like so (in photo) & tossed (ok not tossed) him into his arms. He held him for a long time too! =) Him & his fiance, Amanda, are getting married this summer & babies are right around the corner, so this experience is much needed Nobles, get used to it!

I also wanted to update everyone on the Colorado Movement. Michael called on Saturday with some exciting news...he found us a place to live! He signed & moved in that day too! I'm sure he's relieved to have that task done...I personally know that house hunting is no fun...it's not as bad as car shopping =) but can be pretty stressful & time consuming...luckily Daddy was on the mission because he rarely stresses (unlike Mama) & he got the job done! He was our new home hero! And, although it took some readjustment on my behalf because it requires a longer waiting period...we've come up with a good moving plan. We've established that the weekend of February 20th will be more appropriate. We have a very important wedding reception to attend that weekend, so instead of moving at the end of January & then turning around & tacking on another 26 hour trip (with Oliver mind you)...we will do everything in one weekend! Ahhh...it's a bit scary for me to think about...but with my great abilities to organize, multitask & prepare...I think I'll be able to handle it =) So...what have I done so far to get us prepared...I've prepared for preparing. Does that count? Most of our belongings are already packed, but I know there is probably a lot to take care of before we leave...so, I should probably start getting after it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the move! I can't wait to see pictures of the new place. We will also be at the wedding reception on the 20th so we will see you off!!
