
Little Green Man Day!

Oh the luck of the Irish (or something else) allowed Mama to have a celebratory beverage this St. Patrick's Day.  As I reflect a year ago, I have been revisiting what I was doing...like working & finding out I was prego...ha weird huh!? Expecting a little Oliver in November!  Wow.  I kind of thought of the 13th (last Saturday) as my own little Mother's Day because that was the day we found out (I don't ever think I'll forget that day, especially b/c it was Friday the 13th)...anyway, I only secretly celebrated with myself. 

We joined friends for St. Patty's for a couple of drinks, corned beef & cabbage (yuck!) & some sharing of Oliver...we try to convince our lovely friends Paul & Sonya they need to have a little green guy running around too...hopefully it's working!!!  I tried to get some photos of Oliver in his 'kiss me' Irish getup, but he wasn't really feeling the camera...must've been all those green milks.  Hope you had a fun Little Green Man Day also! 

This first one is priceless...as he is just not enthused about the camera in his face!

He's getting better at tummy time!

He's gonna be rolling over soon...oh man, buckle your seatbelts!


  1. The second pic looks like he is about to bust out in a little jig! Too cute! Well, Leyna, Happy Mother's Day (kinda) to you! heehee

    Oh, and my brother and his wife had been reading your blog as they know Mike and are thrilled for his little family :) .... although now they can't get in. Pretty please send them an invite... thewines5@yahoo.com

  2. I love the first one... he is all what... what you looking at
