
Don't Touch Your Weiner Please!

Uggghhhhhhh!  So it only took 7 months, 1 week & 1 day for Oliver to figure out that there is "something" down there.  It makes for some very frustrating dirty diaper changes!!!  Not only is he rolling around everywhere, but we've now added this into the mix.  Everytime his diaper comes off, he's down there checking things out.  "Yep, son, it's still there!"  And while we're not having to answer questions of what this "special purpose" is (reference to The Jerk) or preparing any 'birds & the bees' speeches...you get this on top of the crazy teething spells we've been having lately & you've got yourself quite a doozy of a day!  TGIF!!!

I took Oliver back to the Doctor again today...he's had a raspy cough when he wakes up in the mornings the last couple of days.  I don't want to be the Mom that takes their kid into the Dr office everytime there is the slightest of symptoms, but he is so young & I can't just give him cough medicine & say 'see if this works first' & let it go.  And they keep playing this commercial about babies & pertussis, so it had me all freaked out.  To ease our minds, I just took him in.  At this point the Doctor had a good prognosis, not finding anything significant to udder a diagnosis for anything.  No ear infection, heard nothing suspicious in his lungs, his oxygen levels were fine, no wheezing, etc.  But with his history of RSV, it may sometimes harbor childhood asthma, but once again, there isn't enough evidence right now unless it progresses more.  Another possibility for the coughing is reflux.  We will monitor his spitting up before we look more into this scenario.  The last possibility is the pollen-like dust stuff that is coming off of the trees could be irritating his breathing airways.  Anyway, we aren't worried about anything at this point, but we are going to keep an eye on any additional symptoms if they show up or significantly get worse.  And speaking of the stuff flying through the air, it's from cottonwood trees & I have officially boycotted taking a walk today becaue that stuff flying everywhere is getting on my last nerve.  We have cotton in our house everywhere!!!  

On a side note...back to the Dr office...I forgot to share about the day we went in for his checkup.  As Oliver & I stepped into the exam room, he took a look around & immediately got this scared look on his face & burst into tears!  The nurse poked her head in & asked what happened...I replied 'nothing, I think he just remembers what happened last time we were in here'...shots!  Smart little booger.  He knew!  So after settling him down & getting through the exam, speaking with the Doctor...sure enough, what he had feared, came true...shots!  He did very good even so.  He cried while they were stinging him & the second I picked him back up, quiet.  He recovered very well & today when we went, I gave him a pep talk, letting him know that he wasn't going to get any stings today!  Good job little Mr. Magooie.  We're looking forward to a nice weekend full of appey sauce & some carnival festivities...& when I say "we" I mean me!  Mama wants some cotton candy & a ride on the carousel!  It's Strawberry Days up in Glenwood Springs, so hopefully one of these nights it will be on our agenda.  I think some carney exposure would do Oliver some good anyway =)  

...only it will be $6.95.  I have no real photos this post, weird I know, but I promise to get some good ones of Oliver getting frightened by a clown or something...haha jk!  Oh & it's Father's Day Sunday...oh help us all, Michael will be on a roll!  Enjoy your weekends, I will update when Monday strikes again! 

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