
you are my sunshine!

so this is way past due...but...that's just the way we roll lately...i'm hoping to get all caught up with this summer postings by next winter =) but don't hold your breathe =) so the end of may marked the end & the beginning of a new era. michael & i flew back out to basalt for two reasons. to haul all of our belongings back to iowa. and to celebrate our friends, paul & sonya's, wedding. and we were ready for an exciting week off back out in the mountains! we arrived, late of course, due to the weather not cooperating in denver the day we were supposed to fly out. and we almost were way-layed over to grand junction due to weather in aspen for our final landing...but they took the risk & we landed safely!!! we made our way to basalt & checked into a sweet little local hotel "the green drake"...right behind paul & sonya's house...talk about convenience ;) so, thursday night was a fun meet & greet of their old college friends, family & familiar faces from the area. then came friday...this was "packing day". we picked up our trusty ole budget truck & opened up the storage unit that hadn't seen the light of day since february. and this is where is starts getting a little sentimental. i am, honestly, still a little devastated that we had to move from this place! so we packed everything from point a to point b & headed up to redstone...avalanche ranch...where we would spend the rest of the weekend celebrating the wedding. sans the budget truck of course =)

friday was wedding preparation & rehearsal. with a lovely rehearsal dinner at sonya's parents mountain home. the unpredictable spring weather in the mountains was in full effect already...sunshine...rain...you name it. the rest of the night consisted of bbq, flavored ice, unicycles, many cocktails, laughs & finished up indulging in the natural hot springs back at the ranch...aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! talk about zen.

saturday was first spent w/ coffee & a dip in the hot springs...i could seriously get used to doing that! then, we were down & dirty finishing up the final details for the wedding ceremony & rehearsal. i was honored to help capture their wedding moments so...please check out the link at the end of the photos to see more from the wedding =) and i must admit...i did get a little "shoe" photo happy. as ceremony time crept closer, once again, the weather was changing every 10 minutes...rain... sunshine... snow... overcast... sunshine ...and back again. highlights from the day... a rare rainbow sprung through the sky directly...and i mean directly...over the newlyweds! the intimate outdoor ceremony. pauly's gift to sonya, the coconut cruiser bike. margaritas on tap. wedding meal catered by the woody creek tavern. THE DECOR! dance party. paul & sonya koozies. and finishing up the night in the hot springs.

sunday, we rolled out of basalt in our giant loud budget truck & we trucked back to iowa, tired & sad...but anxiously ready to see the little o man! enjoy the photos & hit up the link for more wedding shots.

point a...to point b...

i told you there were unicycles...

and flavored ice

and this is my most favorite photo from the whole weekend!

i did have fun photographing sonya's wedding shoes!

paul is a bit of a koozie connoisseur.

sonya is very artsy...these were the name cards/table assignments...

margaritas on tap on your left...

as if you could reach out & touch the rainbow...it was unreal...& such a beautiful sign.

the coconut cruiser bike.

...and then we had to go...

the raging colorado river!

and there is where i stopped taking photos for the weekend. please visit the link below for more "moore" wedding =)

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are awesome! I loved her wedding dress and shoes, vintage awesomeness!
