
it sucked & then i cried.

this post is a heaping pile of random, so get ready. i was going through old folders & files of photos b/c i'm now on the organizing everything kick that even the computer desktop must make room for new! so, please allow me to photo vomit on you. i believe that most of these photos were never posted, but should have been.

we've seen some progress on the home projects in the past week. mike has actually been like crazy picker upper of everything, clothes-folder & dish-doer...which i am fondly impressed with & appreciative of...i'm not getting any smaller, more energized or motivated these days. aside from general cleanliness, we picked out new carpet & tile for the kitchen & rest of the house! whoop! shopping for flooring was a little less painful than car shopping, and i'm glad i don't have to do it every day. so, we're looking forward to the flooring facelift coming in the next week...yay! other than that, i've been showing up on the motherly/girlfriendly duties like: making kick butt meals, homemade cookies, slowly putting together baby stuff here & there...re-constructed the infamous spewed on baby carseat {sans the spewage}...& i've found a book that has been thoroughly entertaining. this go-around, i didn't have the cliche 'run to the book store & grab as many books to educate myself' urge. and aside from everything happening in life, i just don't usually make the time to read.

'it sucked & then i cried' is a book by the author heather armstrong. she's the founder of dooce.com {i believe some of you bloggies will be famliar}. although i've only touched on the first couple of chapters, she's an extremely brilliant story teller. and it touches home in the fact that she's openly expressing her battle with post-partum depression. it's a book that those who have suffered major effects from the chemical imbalances left behind from pregnancy can really relate to. i've been clinging to it, b/c like her, no amount of exercise or humming with your legs crossed on a yoga mat is going to "fix" it. i feared when i became pregnant again that i would slip into my symptoms i was just starting to get rid of, and to an extent, i have. it's not anything you can tell yourself to put on a shelf. it's not anything that you can wish away. i am strengthened by the words of someone else who has really gone through the same thing. to the same magnitude. and her humor takes away some of the sting.

one other more recent finding...as i'm busily trying to finish up on my cousin's wedding photos, i came across some moon photos that michael had taken the other night/morning. see, i tend to fall asleep early, so most nights, he doesn't have my vivacious personality to entertain him =)

and now for the complete randomness...
this was a visit up to sioux falls to see the schweitz's...the kids all look so young!

oliver loved golfing this past summer...he frequently joined his daddy on the course. 

it must have rained?

easter...pants optional.

oliver & i attended kinsley's 2nd bday party out on her grandma & grandpa's farm here in town. pony rides! and farm life...oliver had a great time!

stella's cowgirl boots.

and mud! o was in heaven.

on the course again...this time with the doxtads.

another storm i guess...this one brought hail!

so that leaves me caught up on overdue un-posted photos...and i can now breathe.

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