
pumpkin roo roo the two.

somedays you just have to have a little meltdown, get some reassurance from the doctor, hear some encouraging words from your family & friends, pour another cup of coffee...& move forward. i chose the motto of this blog for a reason. "love. live life. proceed. progress." for a reason. every time i read it, it is enlightening. i took 'gus the bus' to visit his doctor again today. and as i try to shove the thought that i'm a crazy parent always bringing him in to the doctor's office, i can't help but be stressed out to the max with his continuing health condition. because he is still so young, it's hard to pinpoint what exactly is causing all of his problems. it's a combination of the lingering inflammation from the rsv/pneumonia, reflux causing irritation, allergies due to high allergens in the area & the soft tissues in his esophagus collapsing a bit to cause the wheezing. boom. boom. boom. boom. the doc has ruled out any infections or other viral issues. so our treatments will continue with the nebulizer four times a day w/ an added steroid inhalant twice a day. we have scheduled an appointment with an allergist, in june, to rule out any other possible conditions. but, once again, with his age/size & his ever-evolving immune system, it may not be indicative of anything specific.

patience. strength. and positive attitudes we must continue. so, on a positive note, gus continues to gain weight & grow just the way he should. he weighs 13 lbs...almost doubled his birth weight! so this is good. and he doesn't run a fever & hasn't stopped eating...obviously...he is chunkifying! and those cheeks...oh my...they are a perfect landing strip for mama's kisses xoxo. 

other milestones he's hitting: he's starting to tell me all sorts of "goo stories" as i like to call them. gooo-goooo-goooo-ing very often. he loves to be talked to & loves his mama {heartstring yank!} & his grandma. every time my mother comes over he just looks at her with such adoration. such a sweet, sensitive soul this one has. sigh. he enjoys seeing his brother greet him in the mornings - always giving big brudder olly a smile. and daddy still holds the best-putter-to-sleepy-ever trophy. he's been sleeping very well during the nights too. despite what he has overcome & battles with still, he is a very happy baby! he smiles through all of this, so how can i not stay positive!

my focus has been heavy on gus being sick & i can't help but feel like oliver has been a little neglected...although i know he's not, it's just one of those worries i spoke of yesterday. he has been really excited this week b/c our "zee zee" decided to start watching kids again. and we feel very fortunate that she's only taking on a very small group, so gus can get one on one care that he needs too. monday was oliver's first day back & he barely even said goodbye to me after he ran into the house to play with his old buddy jace {lindsay's little boy}. after she dropped him off yesterday & left, he repeated "zee zee" for a good half an hour. i think this is a good sign that he's very happy with her return ;)

other exciting news happening around us too that i must give some shout outs about {i don't remember what i've mentioned & haven't???}:

my bff hillary, was engaged to her boyfriend john last month...so we have some fun planning ahead. yes, i said we =) haha, she's asked me to be her MOH, so i have some party planning in the future. they've set they're wedding date for august 24th. a nostalgic date, as this is my grandparent's anniversary too!

mike's sister, emily & cory, are expecting their third baby come november! another cousin will join the crew...cannot wait for another little squishy xoxo.

and in other baby news...my cousin, donna & her hubby lucas, are expecting in october. we'll have another baby hanny/doxtad {boy or girl tbd} by thanksgiving...baby gobble gobble! and my southern friend, libba with  hubs dirk, will welcome a baby peanut in november as well. loving all the life popping up around us! i wish them all continued healthy happy pregnancies - go girls get your oreo addiction on - i think that's what made our little august extra sweet!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out, Leyna, and yes, you needed to have a bit of a breakdown over the suckiness of this situation, but I'm glad that things are looking better today! xoxo
