
mission blue eyes.

so i'm going to make it my mission to capture an undefined amount of photos of our boys' baby blues this year. they both have the most amazing blue eyes...good job us! i'm not going to set parameters or deadlines or any goals or promises on the frequency of these photos. because, well, i suck at setting photo goals. i've done it in the past and failed. i've longed to complete, do, follow through with a photo a week or a 365-project. someday. someday. i've found that this year, i'm going to set goals that are reasonably easier for me to conquer - that's not cheating! it's just learning from your failed photo project promises in the past and realizing that unless you have a maid, a chef, a buyer for all the things you need bought, a quiet office space and a regularly scheduled cocktail hour everyday...it's just not going to happen. i'll raise the bar some day...when the before-mentioned things have all been met.

mostly you're probably going to see a lot of failed attempts...like today. the only creative "escape" i've been able to have the past 4 days is grabbing my camera & shooting anything & everything. i thought about taking a photo of every thing in our home and posting it. i won't. that's annoying. anyway, i've been at home with the boys for 3 straight days now. influenza a (hole). and not a lot of free time. i've been putting up with requests from oliver like "mom, can you go get me something?" "yeah, what do you need oliver" "i'm not going to tell you, you can just go get me something"....really? like what? a cracker? a glass of water? a small sedative? my patience hit the road like 17 and a half hours ago, so you're going to have to be a little bit more specific when you ask me to go get you something.

but back to the mission at hand:

oliver watching he-man episodes 1 & 2 and guarding his the legos (in a kitchen strainer) from his brother.

welcome to our home - where the clothes get folded 3 different times and we walk around pretending we're puppies.

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