
house 4 sale.

this blog still lives. barely. but it lives. and after a dumpster of a day...i felt compelled to dance my fingertips around a keyboard for some therapeutic reflection... add a glass of wine and some motivation to finally catch up after what seems like 2 years (since blogging) and here ya go folks.

so here's a quick recap since january post. i didn't send out a christmas/holiday/new years or even april fools day card... life just doesn't allow these days. so here goes:

gus turned three (and by the way...oliver is 5 - five! one two three four five!)... oye! and "the bus" is 3 and it's surreal. my babies are slowly slipping from my fingers and i have little men on my hands. and while most of their conversations currently involve talking about buttcracks and farting, i hold strong that they are the brightest cutest little boys ever. in. the. world. oliver is actually wrapping up his year in preschool & will move on to kindergarten next year. gus could attend preschool next year, but i'm not allowing myself to think about that probability right now, so let's move on. and ringo (child #3)... more on him later, but i'm just hoping he doesn't gain another 20 lbs & chew up the vacuum cord again.

mike signed on with the volunteer fire department here in holstein & is loving it. i'm sure most of you reading this are shocked right now to read mike & fire in the same sentence. he has passed his firefighter I & II tests and looks forward to helping out this wonderful community with their firefighting needs. god willing it's not b/c i started dinner on fire! i'm not promising it won't happen, but at least i know i'm in well-trained hands. and when he's not fighting fires...

we bought a zoo... no, wait! we currently manage a zoo... we bought a new house! we're in transition and currently have a house for sale! feel free to put the word out (yep, that was a shameless plug).  turns out, adding a rambunctious puppy dog into our small space was enough to put us over to edge. and either it was mommy is moving to the MHI or we need a bigger house. so we will soon be moving into a spacious (fixer-upper might i add) home! eat your heart out chip & joanna gaines (hgtv fans, you know). just kidding, our Fixer-Upper is more like all the outtakes that don't make tv where chip & joanna argue about who's the carpenter/who's the designer multiple times a day. get excited for before/after photos... which i'll probably end up posting about 5 years down the road so stay tuned.

next. ringo had cancer. (i use past tense, b/c we want to be positive that it won't return).  our little (not so, he's like 55 lbs) rescue pup had a small bump under his fur that we noticed in random passing. looked like a wart. and then it grew. and grew. to the point where it was a giant disturbing growth protruding out of his forearm. the vet proceeded with a biopsy to find that it was an abnormal cell growth that would not heal unless removed. bad cancer in other words. the prognosis also indicated that it would/has not likely spread given it's characteristics. enter fingers crossed. he had it removed via laser last wednesday. it is sealed with staples that can be removed in about a week. he bounced back well from the surgery and once we can remove staples, bandage & cone... he'll be good to go. in the meantime, the boys have styled up his cone w/ puppy stickers. claiming they're "ringo's friends to keep him happy".

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