

oliver grows.
pulling up to standing position on everything.
exploring more & more.
loves to crawl under or over things. and unfortunately...we have now entered the stage where there will probably be a constant bruise, scrape, scratch, etc, somewhere on your little energetic body.
laughs outloud more often.
i swear he has said his first word... mama ;) ask mike!
has started eating real steamed veggies, cheese, crackers, puffs.
loves greeting daddy when he gets home from work & insists that he picks him up...no matter how dirty he is =)
plays follow the leader.
loves peekaboo...or 'peekies' as mama plays it.
dances by bouncing on his little butt when music is on.
loves petting dogs.
flirts with women strangers all the time, especially in the grocery store.
loves watching older children run around & play.
still prefers the outdoors.
tries to mimmick when mama slaps her knees & claps her hands.
enjoys listening on the phone to family...still doesn't really 'talk' back yet, more so tries to lick the phone.
started working with a sippy cup.
loves being clothes-less...that's why the majority of the photos you see, he has no clothes on, it's just easier that way sometimes!
has all of a sudden hated getting his diaper changed...no patience or time for it i guess?!
loves snuggling in bed & sleeping between mom & dad.
hates napping.
i only added these last two because when you get older, i want you to read this just for fun. haha. and seriously, the kitchen has gone to the birds & there are mysterious little finger prints on everything...we love you little squishy man & love watching you grow & develop your personality =)

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