
first twenty eleven post.

a lot of time has passed since my last post...pre-christmas...holy smokes. well, christmas occured, new years, a wedding, a delayed homecoming & sickness. a lot of sickness. colds. the mother of all cockroach colds. i'm deeming it a cockroach cold because it just won't go away! no matter what i try...it just creeps around. yuck. not only for myself, but for oliver. he ran his first temperature for a fever the past couple of days {during our drive back}. and i don't know what it is about a fever in a child, but they make me nervous. luckily it wasn't too high & he has since regulated back to normal temps. my week feels all wacky as it doesn't feel like the weekend already. i  have a long list of catching up & posting & chores & finding normalcy on my to-do list for the weekend...but who knows how much will happen?! 

i have intentions of a christmas & wedding festivities post coming in the {near} future. and i had the pleasure of sneaking in a short maternity photoshoot of my pregnant best friend, marcell =) and this is where my learning skills in photoshop are going to have to come in. and not only just photoshop, but photoshop on a mac. anyway...as new years was very uneventful this year...there really is no big news on our celebration of the year twenty eleven. i just hope the best for all of you...& maybe a little good stuff for us too ;)

these are some shots from the road trip to & from the midwest. we left very early in the morning to head east & caught the moon still out. joy. and on our trip back west, we were delayed a couple days due to a big snow storm {another joy}, but we rallied a 13 hour drive back on wednesday. we witnessed this beautiful sunset as we were just arriving upon denver. whenever we return or arrive at a destination, i always take a deep breath & thank our lucky stars we had a good trip & are so fortunate to be able to spend the time we can with two very generous & loving families. i'm only making a point of this because my heart seriously goes out to an anonymous family that lost {probably} most of their belongings due to a house fire. when we pulled into basalt around 9ish on wednesday evening...we drove up on the most devastating site {one of those where you heart sinks}...a home in our neighborhood was engulfed in flames. smoke billowed up & the orange & red blazed through the night sky. truly horrific to witness. the emergency vehicles & firetrucks stormed through our streets...i think i counted four firetrucks scream by. and we drove right past this scene...heading home...to be home sweet home. and my heart truly hurt for what we just saw. the loss. the tragedy. the safety of those who resided there. i could not stop thinking about it. and i still can't. we unloaded our vehicle after we arrived at our doorstep & every time we stepped outside the smell of burning memories & a home filled the air. such a loss. and although i do not know who lived there, i felt for them big time. i drove past the home yesterday to see the curdled damage. it wasn't good. and i only hoped that everyone was safe. so it's because of this story, that i just wanted to genuinely thank you for being a part of our lives. and i am grateful for those that i have. the things don't matter as much when you don't have anything, but what does matter, is who you can lean on. thank you for being a follower of our blog. we love sharing stories & memories with you. and we are looking forward to another year of sharing with you! thank you.

=) don't take offense.

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