
i don't wanna be a penguin!

on friday, holstein hosted a 'pumpkin parade' for halloween...which is a business oriented trick or treat session for the kiddos. before we headed downtown for the treats & tricks, we had a pretty busy day! stella came over for an afternoon playdate & i got my first taste of two young ones running around in my solo care. yikeso. just kidding =) friends, marcell & josh were visiting town for the weekend with their little guy vaughn, so they were able to bring him over to join in the madness. the two older ones were quite fond of vaughn, but i think he just thought they were a bunch of crazy indians running around. and this led to no naptime for miss stella & sir oliver. and then came costume time. my aunt connie had found a penguin costume & brought it for oliver this year for trick-or-treating. lovely...took the creative effort on mama's part away...now my only challenge was the get him to stay in it. last year, he could have cared less what i put on him. but this year...different story! as i tried to casually slip on the penguin costume, it sent mr. two-yr-old attitude dude into a complete meltdown! ripping at the legs, ripping at the coat, flipping, flopping, causing mama to break out in a complete sweat. after about 10 minutes of wrestle mania, i manage to strap him into the carseat & head downtown for a FUN GOOD TIME! ugh. the ripping & yanking at the penguin suit continued as we met up with mamaw at the cosgrove law firm. good thing debbie saved the day with candy! of course...why didn't i think of that?! so, i did manage to get a few quick shots of the mad penguin & oliver did snag some sweet treats for mommy & daddy...i mean...for himself =) so at the end of the day...sugar high + no nap = meltdown city shortly after dinner & an early bedtime =) awwww...here come the holidays!

1 comment:

  1. Kellen wore that costume 2 years ago and I loved it!! Oliver looks adorable!
