
ashley + aaron.

this weekend, we travelled down to ames, iowa to take part in our friends' wedding. michael was a groomsman for aaron & oliver was the "ring" bearer. pause for quotations gesture "ring" bearer. there were no rings that would be in oliver's possession ;) we were thrilled that the two of them wanted to have oliver a part of their big day, however, it kind of made me a little a lot nervous. currently, he's not the most compliant. and the lack of a nap lurking in the background was a little unsettling. but...we kept it positive & had a lot of snacks, some pirate stickers, apple juices & the iPod packed! and when i saw my little baby man in his tuxedo for the first time...pulled my little heartstrings *sigh*. the weekend went perfect...& we brought my parents down w/ us for babysitting reinforcements so we could take full advantage of the night/weekend out.

we had the most fun of times. seeing & catching up with old friends. great food. a crisp fall wedding day. a glass of wine {or six} & celebrating the marriage of our dear amazing friends. i'm a bit of an overachiever & i am going to get my photos posted already. i know, i know...look at me go. enjoy. we did.

1 comment:

  1. Oliver in his tux is about the cutest thing ever, Leyna. Seriously. What a beautiful wedding location and I can almost smell "fall in Iowa" by looking at these photos!
