
happy new year twenty thirteen!

since we survived the mayan apocalypse, i can't blame that on my absence from blogger land. i've just been horrible...horrible! this past year has brought upon many new things & a serious lack of time that my head is spinning. most days, my head is just spinning. two kids really ups the ante when you work full time, have a toddler, a fast-growing infant & a constant house in disarray. so, this is my personal peace offering {to myself} for beating myself up so much for my lack of documenting the first 10 months of gus's life, keeping up on the family happenings & other milestones, celebrations, etc...plus the computer just happened to be sitting, untouched, on the kitchen table & no one else was around. i just started typing. i usually spend nights, whilst trying to fall asleep, thinking up wonderful blog posts with clever antics & fun stories...but all to fade by the next day, undocumented. 

so...my peace offering & deal with myself & to you, dedicated followers of my blog, is to repost updated answers to a series of questions i've compiled that pertain to both gus & oliver. in addition, i will also, at least once a month, post a compilation of photos from the happenings the past 30 days or so. i'll be playing a little catch up in the beginning b/c i have photos from probably 6 months ago that haven't made it up...not to mention some weddings, showers, halloween, a third birthday & the holidays. my goal is to post at the end of each month to recap, but since i found some spare minutes, here goes for january 2013...

oliver matthew - - ---

age - three years & 2 months.

nickname - olly man

favorites - playing the ipod, watching the incredibles, shooting dart guns, 

newest word/phrase - "i hate you mom" {yeeeeeaaaahhhh...we're starting this year off great, huh?!}; tapatio {as in the hot sauce}; and not to forget "i love you mom"

milestones - spontaneously counting to 8 & identifying the correct letter alphabet magnets on the fridge

doctors visits - not that i recall...this category will most likely have more of a story to tell in gus's section. oliver probably ate 3 different kinds of bugs & licked a handrail & he's ok. he's sniffled a bit, but other than that, healthy as an oompa loompa who ate 18 pixie stix...just kidding he still eats a lot of fruits & whole grains =)

special trips/visitors - santa visited twice this year. and {insert bad mom award here} this was honestly, the first year he'd been introduced to a santa figure. he kind of looked at "him" with a suspicious look, took the present & went on to shoot darts. 

new toy - including birthday, this kid has received some very nice gifts lately! specialized toddler bike w/ training wheels, cowboy boots {his favey}, a-frame pup tent made by daddy, dart guns, new movies, a personal dvd player, scooter, books, leap frog & vtech games, etc etc & did i mention dart guns ;)

august michael - - ---

age - 10 months.

nickname - gus the bus.

favorites - mum mums, eating his brothers nerf darts, army-crawling, puppies

newest word/phrase - mama, dada & wahboo wahboo {this is kind of my favorite b/c i have no idea what it means}

milestones - army-crawling, which has led to crawling, which has led to pulling himself up on his knees or just about his feet, eating all of his vegetables & fruits, strengthening immune system, hair growth on the top of his head

doctors visits - oh boy, here we go...we did start the end of december with just your typical well-baby check...which then spiraled into 1 visit b/c he had this weird, not-healing sore on his finger...which led to 2 visits for colds. he was waking up in the morning with his eye cemented shut w/ serious eye mucous, so we suspected pink eye...but turns out we just had some bad cold symptoms going on. ps...have you ever had to give a 10-month old eye drops? i think a 10-month olds strongest muscles are their eyelids - seriously the hardest. thing. ever. on a positive note, he's coming around & his breathing has sounded great throughout all of his episodes. oh my little bubble boy.

special trips/visitors - as mentioned in oliver's section, santa visited twice this year. gus had a much different reaction to the jolly man...hated him. not a fan of him. "get me off of this guys lap right now mama" hated him. santa did give him a toy camera that he loves to eat, so as long as he keeps his distance he's legit. 

new toy - toy camera, a-frame pup tent made by daddy, an all-terrain wheel radio flyer red wagon, a cute 18-month patagonia onesie/pant suit that could fit his brother who is 27 months older than him {i'm a little bitter about this one b/c if you can't tell, i picked it out & want him to wear it}, melissa & doug puzzles, boogie wipes, new pacis, leap frog puppy & play-along-singing-wiggling dog toy for lack of a better name. it's cute, he loves it. 

- - ---next will come photos...& one of my new years resolutions to get out my holiday cards just in time for february =)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I think your goal is realistic and I hope you stick with it because I have missed your blog!
