
the first 5 days of 2015.

i'm amazed that i even remember how to use blogspot. goodness. so this post is going to recap the first 5 days of the new year. in a nutshell, they've been less than stellar. the italics will help you through my thought processes. which, by my calculations have gone off the reservation.

the ball dropped for 2015. we celebrated with friends at our house and it was low key and nice.

day one. jan 1. early aM.
i went into the boys' room to see a wet spot... who did this? what happened? where's the dog? as gus and olly both start pointing fingers in the opposite direction, i decided to conclude that the one w/out any clothes and undies on was the guilty one. oliver matthew schweitzberger. and after admittance, i really didn't know what to do. he's old enough to know better! what the hell?! why would he pee on the floor?! is this a precursor? so WE cleaned up the mess, threw clothes on his naughty butt and moved forward. i grabbed gus to get him ready for the day, changing diaper......... wait? why are you looking at me like that gus? that is not a good face?! i know that face! oh shhhiii#%.... i hoisted him up and then it came... puke. puke puke puke. all over me. all over the carpet. all over him. lot's of fresh morning puke. perfect. not even 9aM and it was already a doozy of a day. why wouldn't this be how our first day of 2015 sorted itself out?! and so continued the shuffle of clean up and laundry and change of clothes and clean up and bath and new clothes and clean up and gatorade and clean up and munching soda crackers and throw up and laundry and then... at some quiet point of the day, i randomly picked up a piece of string that i had noticed on the carpet. only it wasn't a string. ewww. it stuck to my finger and then a flashback from yesterday when oliver asked 'what's on ringo's butt'... and i looked at it & it only looked like a string but when i went to grab it, it was gone, so i shrugged it off... and now it had come full circle. i'm pretty sure our dog had an issue! with worms! ewwww. ewwww. eww. google! petmd.com! bing! help! mike contacted the rescue and gave them the details. text message diagnosis: tapeworms. great! so ringo went immediately into puppy jail and i started sanitizing everything in the house. another gus puke. and bedtime.

day two.
a 2aM gus puke & then i went to the store to pick up every sanitizing/disinfecting cleaner i could find and spent the whole day cleaning the entire house to the best of my ability and washed everything we owned. like twice. the shuffle to keep ringo in his kennel was hard. he couldn't quite understand why he had to now be confined to his "sleeping space" all day long now. sad. i washed my hands like 96 times that day.

day three.
the man-flu hit. mike had gone down. which was really a rare occasion and i'll spare you the not-so similar details to gus's symptoms. we didn't see much of mikey that day. he was in bed-jail. and ringo was in dog-jail. and gus puked for the last time of his run. four days of that little guy losing his guts. he literally has lost all of his baby weight. i don't know where it all came from. we managed to keep him hydrated enough and by day three, he decided he'd eat food again. and the dog puked twice on the carpet on his short walk from the door to his kennel. wtf?!

day four.
the man-flu was gone - thank goodness for the 24-hour bug! but i had gone to sleep the night before feeling queasy. i chalked it up to witnessing and cleaning up disgusting bodily grossness of everyone else for the past three days. but i had fallen victim myself. queasy stomach and horrible body aches from head to toe. i stayed in bed all day. which i thank god that mike was able to run the shiz show for the day or else i don't know what we would have done.

day five.
i woke up to mike letting me know that oliver sounded horrible and was sick. perfect! but undeniable. i had absolutely no energy from not eating or drinking any water the day before. the body aches were gone but i was running on a like a 1 energy level (from a scale from 0-10).  that commercial of the dad telling his kid he was gonna take a sick day flashed into my head. it's funny because that's what every parent wishes could happen but could never ever in a world. i peeled myself out of bed, ate a pb toast and some water and checked the clock. this was also the magic day ringo could get into the vet, his appointment was at 1:30 (the soonest we could get him in after finding out parasites were invading his insides and our happy home). 1:30 could not come soon enough today. he's back home, and will have to spend 2 more days in puppy jail after his treatment. but it's going to take me a lot longer to be comfortable integrating him back into our spaces. i'm going to constantly be checking his butt for worms, not going to lie. ugh - how awful! but here's hoping that his situation clears up and we will move on from these first 5 days of hell and have a wonderful, amazing & magical 2015!

cheers to you all!

ps...no pics for this post. you wouldn't want them.

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