
Lucky Number 13.

Let me talk a little about this number for a bit. For you superstitious people out there...sorry about your luck...I happen to not be a very superstitious person, if at all. But, the number 13 became apparent to Michael & I the day we found out I was expecting. It was Friday the 13th (March). And ever since I was a child, Friday the 13th always brought on images of Freddy Kruger & Nightmare on Elm Street stuff...am I right?! Eek. But this Friday the 13th was a happy occasion! But then more 13s started turning up...my first Doctor appointment was April 13th, 40 weeks out was November 13th (another Friday mind you), 13, 13, 13...there were probably more, & it kind of weirded us out. But, I reassured myself I'm not a superstitious person & I wasn't going to start now. And now today, it happens to be October 13th as I'm blogging. And this just happens to be another very happy 13th day because it's my parents 30th Wedding Anniversary! 30 Years! I adore these two people, my parents, & I've always admired their commitment & marriage. Love you mom & dad, you're such an inspiration! Here's to another 30 years!!!

I've dubbed this week "Organization Week". After my baby shower, there's now an increased amount of baby stuff, everywhere...& it started to make me feel very VERY unorganized! And before I let another ounce of anxiety slip in, I have to get something done about it. Starting with baby laundry. I asked my mom last night as I was folding load #3, if I would probably ever be as enthused to do laundry for my child...haha probably not was her response. I guess I'll just have to suck it up for about 6 months or so until he starts doing it on his own. =) Laundry is just the beginning of my organization marathon...I made a city run yesterday for some necessities...bras that fit =) including a nursing bra (fun things), exchange some baby bottles (Avent, that now I find out from my friend Allie, leak & are junk) - I'll deal with that later, I have to organize toys, hygiene products, clothes, towels, burp clothes, bibs, etc etc (yeah I sound a bit OCD don't I), do my own laundry, find warmer clothes as it's officially Fall weather/borderline Winter around here, and so on. I could go on, but I already lost the list that I made last night...ha!

I told Michael on the phone last night that I typed out directions from both Holstein & Sioux Falls, including a map & alternate directions (just in case), some listed 'reminders' of what to do & important phone numbers for him & mom/dad. He straight up laughed at me & I can only imagine what was going through his head....wow, she's officially gone off the reservation (is probably the nicer way to put it)! What can I say, I'm a prepper, & this is where Mike & I differ, because he's such a 'go with the flow' guy to say the least. Organization (aka some control) is the best way for me to battle my consistent anxiety, I can't just pop a lorazapam people! And I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably going to have to have the "chill out" meds once I hit the hospital! Well, I better stop avoiding all my responsibilities & cross some off my list. I will keep everyone posted, as I have another checkup appointment this Friday, & it may determine some impending questions...because after that I head back EVERY week!

Thanks to my cousin Donna for bringing back a miniature sombrero from her recent trip to Mexico for Baby Schweitz! Haha!

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