The first thing Ava did when I arrived was go right up to my belly, gave it a poke & asked if the Baby was awake =) She spent most of the weekend checking in on him & arguing with Mike that "there is a baby girl in there"...Mike was insisting it was a boy ;) Try to tell a 2 1/2 year old otherwise & you'll get another story! Haha. Since I'll be delivering in Sioux City & Mike will most likely be coming from Sioux Falls to meet vehicle is already packed up with "my bag", carseat & other miscellaneous baby stuff, just in case of what might happen during the "going into labor drive" & my scatter-brained mind that will forget everything! And after Ava spotted the carseat in my car...
A: "...Leyna, you left your Baby in your car".
L: "What?! Ava, I think my Baby is still in my tummy...look (& pointed to my belly)".
A: "Noooo! Look! (& made me look out the window, pointing at the carseat in my car)".
L: "But Ava, I wouldn't leave my Baby in my car would I"?!
A: "Yes, your Baby is in the car"!
L: "Oh! Well thank you Ava, can you tell Mike to go get him out"?
A: "Yeah, Miiiiiiiiiiiiike"...
Haha...we had that conversation at least once a day! So, according to Baby Girl is in my car.
Ava is freaking adorable, she better get used to the idea of another boy! I have a feeling that she will be able to rule the roost with all these little guys under her thumb!