
The Colorado Movement.

Day One.
Ok ok ok...I am finally filling everyone in on the move to Basalt!  Last Thursday, I got up early & drove to Des Moines to pick up Michael from the airport.  I ran into a high school friend while I was waiting, so it passed some time catching up with her while I waited.  Michael arrived earlier than scheduled...good deal.  We were both very excited to see each other...it had been almost 2 months!  Despite our excitement, we had to stay focused on our voyage ahead.  We headed to Ames & picked up our moving truck.  After taking one look at the one I had reserved...we decided to upgrade to a much larger truck (& a good thing we did because we packed our 24' truck from front to back)!  We had two stops to start picking up our belongings at in Ames, where Mike & I lived while there.  After that, we headed back to Holstein.  Granny Hanny took the day off, so her Grandpa Hanny & Oliver got to spend the day together.  Mike arrived about a half an hour before I did...so I missed the reuniting of Daddy & Baby...  let's just say Oliver was a bit emotional... when I got home, Mike was rocking Olly & he told me that when Oliver first saw him...he stuck his lip out & just started crying...awwwwww...brings tears to my eyes again just typing it.  So cute.  He definately remembered his Daddy & was happy to see him =)  I'm pretty sure they were happy tears.  Once settled down, those two just picked up where they left off...being silly & laughing!  We were all happy to be together as a family again!

Day Two.
Ok, back to business.  We were up early to feed Oliver & then took him out to spend the day with his Great Aunt Connie while Mom & Dad pack the large moving truck.  A good 5 hours later & we were all ready to head to Sioux Falls to visit Mike's family.  Mom & Oliver took off & Mike had one more stop in Kingsley for more stuff & to see his Grandma Schweitz.  We arrived in Sioux Falls Friday evening...we hadn't seen the Schweitzbergers for 2 months either, so it was exciting.  More exciting, it was Emily (Mike's sister) & Cory's wedding reception the next day.

Day Three.
Last minute packing of the stuff on Saturday & then we set out to celebrate the newlyweds.  (In case ya didn't know, Em & Cory were married last December in Jamaica). A lot of family & friends were there, so Oliver, Mom & Dad were able to spend some time with them before we headed out west.  And even more exciting news...as if you probably already know...Oliver will also be expecting a new cousin in September as Em, Cory & Wyatt broke the news of a baby on board!!!  Yay!!!  Oliver & Wyatt were little party animals (uh oh!) & wouldn't go to sleep.  If Oliver was running around, I'm sure he would've been out there on the dance floor with Wyatt cutting a rug! 

Day Four or Day One of Travelling...
We were up early for breakfast with the Schweitzbergers & family & then we were ready to depart for Basalt.  My parents joined us at Mary & Steve's & we were on the road by 12:30pM.  A little off our original time of departure, but we weren't going to live by a schedule anyway since we weren't sure how the drive would go with Oliver.  Mom, Oliver & I drove in my car & Dad & Michael manned the 24 foot moving truck.  The first three hours went fast!  Oliver did great & he slept the whole way, we gassed up & continued on.  Then began the stretch through the rest of South Dakota & Nebraska.  No wonder everyone is obsessed with the Colorado mountains if you have to drive through Nebraska to get there, it's so monotonous & boring...there could be a ham sandwich on the other side of that state & it would be more exciting!  Once again, Oliver did awesome on the drive, waking up every three hours exactly to eat.  Mom & I were cracking up how consistent he was =)  Although we wanted to make it to somewhere in Colorado, we stopped in Ogallala, NE for the night.  Despite Oliver being a trooper for the first 8 hours of the trip, he had had enough of the carseat & we were getting sleepy...plus it started snowing & I didn't want to have to start white-knuckling it at 8:30 at night!  I think the time had changed by this point also.  Anyway, we landed a hotel & relaxed for the night.

Haha...this one cracked me up!

Oliver got his own bed.

Day Two of Travelling...
Up & at it again, we were on the road heading west by 10aM (Mountain Time =)).  This was the most tiring boring stretch I thought of the trip...probably because by this point I was exploding with anticipation...I kept asking Mike where these mountains were he was bragging about haha =)  And then we made it to Denver...& I saw the mountains!  Breathtaking.  I was a mountain virgin!  Oliver made us stop just as we were hitting our first pass.  And I quickly learned what it meant by a "mountain pass".  The mountains had been dumped on during the weekend & it was a little iffy as to what we were going to be heading into.  Lots of snow had fallen & an avalanche occured in Vail...which we would be going right by.  Up until now, we had had great driving weather, so I was a little anxious as to what was going to happen as we made our way through the winding steep mountains.  I noticed new road signs I hadn't been used to living in the midwest...picture of an elk crossing, "Falling Rock" & the ones that made me most nervous..."Runaway Semi Exits".  Yikes.  It was really hard not to stare at all the surroundings...I loved the mountains!  All was going great, winding up & down, in & out of tunnels...& then came Vail Pass.  Once you climb the mountain, the weather changes like a snap of the finger.  It was snow covered roads, blowing snow, wet slushy nastiness & semis & locals still zooming past me as I slowed down to 30 mph & refused to pass anyone!  It was at this point I lost Mike ahead of me.  Thank goodness my little mini passenger stayed sleeping!  Once we made it back down the pass, it was like nothing had even happened, we were once again cruising again at speed limit & the sun was shining.  I eventually caught back up with Michael who was driving the moving truck like a racecar through the snow storm =)  We passed through an awesome canyon right before the Basalt area.  

Mount Sopris. We live on the other side.

We arrived in Basalt around 5:30pM & it didn't take long for us to unload the truck.  Surprisingly everything fit in our place & I've been cracking the whip to get everything organized & put away...Mike has loved it.  Friends, Paul & Sonya, came over & helped us unload also.  Thanks to them!  We're looking forward to spending many times with them.    Mom & Dad stayed in Basalt until Thursday (we convinced them to stay one more day).  Mike joked that he gives them 5 years & they'll be moving out here =)  We'll see.  It was really hard to see them go, of course, that's when it all sank in...wow I'm 13 hours away from home!  

So we made it & are, for the most part, settled in.  I will add a video tour in the near future.  Here are some photos so far of the organizing & unpacking & the fam & putting up the crib...that was a lot easier than I thought...now the dresser was another story.  Just ask my Dad & Mike.  I opted out of that project.  I can't thank my parents enough for all their help & for coming out here with us!  I will be sure to update more, once I get more photos.  On an Oliver update...he has been teething & has caught a cold in his first week in Colorado.  =(  We have taken in some local resturants & scenery.  Our Target is across from mountains...ha!  All in all, I love it here & am excited to start a life as a Colorado resident! 

Oliver loves his new crib!

The locals love this guy!

Oliver was hungry!

Daddy & O watching Dad's new movie...9.
Little side story behind this movie...Oliver & I sent Daddy a
Bday/Valentine's Day package the first week of February...well...
Daddy kept checking the mailbox & checking with the Post Office
for this package that soon became M.I.A. As we were fist pumping
the USPS & pondering what the heck could've happened to it...Daddy
decided to go check the big mailbox where the packages would
be delivered to & oh! low & behold, there is his package!
We estimated it had probably been sitting in there for about 3 weeks!
So, he finally got his movie & our faith in the US Postal Service was restored.

Local Asian Bistro...yum!  Gma & Gpa had their first trial with sushi...so good!


  1. awesome!

    can't wait to hear more about it all... and happy it went so well!

    so true about ogalalla. ha.

  2. thank you for the update!! now that everyone is private it doesn't tell me when you guys updated.. from what i see of the place looks sweet.. and what awesome scenery you have there! Can't wait to see the video!

  3. Yippee!! So glad you made it to the mountains safely (aren't they incredible?!)! And happy your little fmaily is all back together again. :) The house looks great! Love the pic of Mike's butt crack. :) And especially the one with the Montana license plate in it... Hopefully we will all get together soon - either taking in your mtns or mine! Can't wait to hear more....

  4. I hear ya on the horrible drive across Nebraska.... The sad thing is, it is that way across WY too, so we don't have a great drvie home.... I am so glad that you experienced the Rockies! I love living in the mountains, but the mountain drving is scary and soon you will adjust!! Glad you are in safe and sound and hope all is well!
