Little Oliver was happy to have him back home, safe & sound ;)

Oliver has been taking frequent daily visits to the rainforest! Thanks to Granny Hanny for the new exciting sensory stimulation =)
Chasing elephants & birds & frogs & monkeys has been really fun!
So, while Oliver can keep monkeyin' around...Mama cannot!!! I have declared this week Operation Colorado Movement because we have less than 2 weeks before we officially move everything out there & I feel like I have nothing & everything to do still! Does that even make sense?! So this is my official announcement of my blogworld hiatus starting after next Sunday. And when we return...we will have a lot to share with you...including the roadtrip, the move-in, the new home, etc! With Mike's flight booked, the moving truck reserved, the boxes piling up...I am trying to take every "free" second I can while Oliver sleeps to get packing & organizing done. Somewhat difficult at he refused to take a nap yesterday in the afternoon...therefore...bringing on a very fussy baby, A VERY FUSSY BABY, let me stress!!! After he finally went down, I was so ready for sleep myself I called it quits for the night. By starting earlier than I usually would with packing...I'm sure we'll be ready & set to go come next Thursday!
I do plan to make a couple more posts before we take off, but I HAVE to keep them short as I love to ramble & it obviously takes time out of my packing/organizing time! I'm sure Mike would be impressed with my excuse of blogging if the boxes aren't ready for loading yet! Haha.
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