
climb every mountain & first smooches!

so mountains may not be literal mountains right now, but i'm sure they will be one day! oliver's latest is his climbing. he climbs everything. he has managed to climb out of the pack & play after a nap the other day. mike found him wandering around the room. he thought that maybe after i went into check on him, i took him out & forgot to put him back in it. haha no! every time we turn around, he has climbed onto something. and he's quick. he's typically perched on the back of the couch or chair watching out the window. the most dangerous obstacles right now have been the rolling kitchen chairs. ugh, it makes me sick to think about him cracking his head on the floor because he flies off.

i love that he has this in him though. not only is he showing off his optimal physical fitness =) but i think that it's such a strong personality trait! a climber. and although i can't say that i'm completely comfortable with the fact that he's potentially endangering himself climbing household objects, i love that he's strong. he makes us so proud! {and there will be no climbing photos in this post to illustrate, because i feel like if i try & focus on taking one, that's when he'll fall off of something!}

now that we are back in holstein, we {mike, james, em & i} are excited to get the kids together. right now, being a half a block away, it is so convenient! we've already had a couple of play dates between olly & weegie {stella}. the two are so good together. em & i have both commented that we have some "wild" children that never sit still...but for some magical reason, when they are together, they are dramatically calmer. em & i are dreaming of the days we can sit around & have coffee {or a glass of wine} together & let the kids play in the other room! i will share some photos from these two goofballs playing together...

caught them smoochin =)
haha, these two just love each other! emily thinks that stella has a personal space issue...but i think it's super cute how she's always giving love. so sweet.

for more of these two click {here}


  1. Adorable! I bet watching these two play is a riot!

  2. Such great pics leyna. I can't believe how big both of them are getting!
