
gawcaw mamaw bumpa?!

these are the latest words coming out of oliver's mouth...

"gawcaw" {cracker}
...o has become quite the grazer lately. a good little appetite means he's growing growing growing right?! his favorite snacks right now are whole wheat crackers, popcorn, oranges & cheese chunks. the kid, however, would eat a banana at every meal, snack & in between if you let him. he's going to seriously start growing bananas out of his ears!

"mamaw" {grandma}
...whenever mamaw puts on her coat, oliver starts waving goodbye...he knows she's leaving to do something. and i also got my first diss from him the other day. he chose grandma over mama to put him into bed. which was, actually, short lived, when he went to give daddy a hug & wiggled himself into his arms. then mamaw got the diss ;) he definitely has his own agenda.

"bumpa" {grandpa}
...which immediately results in him running to the back door to look out the window for grandpa =) earlier this week, as it was snowing, when grandpa got home from work, he took oliver outside with him while he shoveled. oliver loved loved loved it! he ran around the entire yard, occasionally over to the neighbors yard! he was in 7th heaven! and did NOT want to come indoors when it was time...his cheeks were bright red & he was not caring.

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