
kids having kids.

a couple of weekends ago, friends & sisters, marcell & megan were home visiting. we were able to get all of the kiddos, old & young, together for a get-together. oliver was thrilled to find two new buddies to play around with. even though he called them "bom" & "tennis" aka vaughn & tevis =) there's nothing better than getting your offspring together & enjoying some vino & laughs as they play & run around...brings back the good ole days ;)

tennis ahyee & bom

i mean...look at that lil adorable awesomeness =)

and...introducing...the newest littlest member of the hanson-doxtad crew...
kate mikel doxtad. 
we love her so much! 
congratulations to cousins donna & luke! 
she's a doll!


a sad soul reminiscing the lakes.

having dealt in the past with losing friends/family, it's not a new emotion for me, but it's just putting things into perspective. this evening i learned about the passing of a friend i met while living in okoboji. he was my age. so at thirty years of age, i guess it's time for us to start doing this, putting our 'futures' into perspective. upon learning such sad news, i've just been so scatter brained, so excuse me for the rambling, but i felt the need to put some sort of tribute to my thoughts down. i was thinking wills. i have been running over a million "what-ifs" in my head. i've been thinking about my own sons. i've been thinking about family. i can already feel a very sleepless night ahead of me!

i briefly chatted with a mutual friend tonight & she really enlightened me when she said that she was at peace knowing that his last moments were spent in the very place where so many memories were made & good times were had. and then i got to reminiscing about all of the long-lost faces i spent so much time with throughout those summers. i considered these faces my "family". and it was refreshing to think back on all of the unforgettable moments that i had up there with a very special group of people...& i thank every one of them for that, including andrew. and although, his family/friends will more than likely not even know this blog post exists, i am so so very sorry for the loss of such an unforgettable charming young guy & and i'm sending them peace through this heartache. love to them.


the first hurdle of cold/flu season...

it was inevitable... friday, oliver was sneezing & had a runny nose...by saturday, my fears were unleashed & gus was sneezing snot balls out of his nose. which, of course, launched me into super psycho neb treatment mode. by sunday, i was in denial that my throat was scratchy & that someone had jammed an upholstery needle into my ear. i slammed some nyquil & thus began my 48 hours of a nyquil coma {i don't fully come back to making much sense of anything until tuesday}. monday, i stayed home, as i was unable to physically move, get out of bed for that matter, or breath. by monday afternoon, mike had left work & had brought both kids back home from daycare. we plugged away with cold medicine, vicks & 84 billion kleenexes...enough snot to sink a battleship i tell ya! i came around tuesday afternoon & immediately launched into crazy germ-fest abolisher mama! in retrospect, it wasn't that bad. =) i think i feared gus getting sick for the first time in 4 months the most. i feared having to go through another week after week of treatments & not knowing how to make him feel better. but, his breathing has been just fine. he was able to move the snot out of his little body this time, so i was relieved of knowing that his tiny immune system has matured.

and while it's still not fun to have to mend small little people back to good health, i think we all handled it well. we're emerging back into the world tomorrow, with drippy noses, but nothing on a scale to take us down any longer. whew! so, now i'm praying to the cold/flu season gods...we don't want anymore. and the best thing, is that mike didn't really come down with anything, a little sniffly, but a major man-cold alert was never put into effect. our cupboards are stocked if we need it, but i'm hoping to stay on top of the season's misery. moving on.