
the first hurdle of cold/flu season...

it was inevitable... friday, oliver was sneezing & had a runny nose...by saturday, my fears were unleashed & gus was sneezing snot balls out of his nose. which, of course, launched me into super psycho neb treatment mode. by sunday, i was in denial that my throat was scratchy & that someone had jammed an upholstery needle into my ear. i slammed some nyquil & thus began my 48 hours of a nyquil coma {i don't fully come back to making much sense of anything until tuesday}. monday, i stayed home, as i was unable to physically move, get out of bed for that matter, or breath. by monday afternoon, mike had left work & had brought both kids back home from daycare. we plugged away with cold medicine, vicks & 84 billion kleenexes...enough snot to sink a battleship i tell ya! i came around tuesday afternoon & immediately launched into crazy germ-fest abolisher mama! in retrospect, it wasn't that bad. =) i think i feared gus getting sick for the first time in 4 months the most. i feared having to go through another week after week of treatments & not knowing how to make him feel better. but, his breathing has been just fine. he was able to move the snot out of his little body this time, so i was relieved of knowing that his tiny immune system has matured.

and while it's still not fun to have to mend small little people back to good health, i think we all handled it well. we're emerging back into the world tomorrow, with drippy noses, but nothing on a scale to take us down any longer. whew! so, now i'm praying to the cold/flu season gods...we don't want anymore. and the best thing, is that mike didn't really come down with anything, a little sniffly, but a major man-cold alert was never put into effect. our cupboards are stocked if we need it, but i'm hoping to stay on top of the season's misery. moving on.

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