
Bathtime Love.

So this would be one of those before-mentioned naked activities that he absolutely hates. He just hates getting cold...who doesn't. Poor man screams through the whole ordeal but the second you wrap him in his blanket...silence...all is good & peaceful again. Nuts! I wanted bathtime to be one of his favorite things to do...maybe once his belly button falls out & real baths are on the agenda, it'll be a different story. I mean, I don't know how much I'd like sponge baths while lying on the bathroom counter either, so I completely understand his protest. Same goes with diaper changes...just get that diaper strapped into place & his onesie back on & life is all good. I am NOT complaining at all...don't get me wrong...he's a chill baby all other times! Olly had a message for his Daddy tonight after his bath.


  1. Leyna,
    Jax used to HATE HATE HATE baths too, and diaper changes. Once he got a little older, baths are his FAVORITE thing in the world, and he loves having his diaper off too, although it doesn't happen often because it can be dangerous!:) Glad things are going great!

  2. henry was real big on the ol' "pee on you if you're trying to give me a bath" routine... ha. he likes the water a little bit extra warm, if it's cold, it gets ugly!
