
D-Day Details.

I started writing this entry this morning...it's now pushing 9pM...I guess this is what happens now...
So much has happened in the last 5 days that I need to break our stories down or this entry was going to be a mile long & you all know how I tend to ramble =) But as promised...the story of the delivery.
Monday, November 9th. I had this strange feeling that something was going to happen soon, but I had an appointment the next day, Tuesday @ noon & I had been given the option of being induced on Wednesday if I felt I was ready...so I just decided to see how the appointment went & go from there. I really wanted it to happen naturally, when he was ready. Monday night I checked with Michael to make sure he had his bag packed in his vehicle, because I just felt like that night was the night. I went to bed & awoke around 3:30 aM to some dull pains which I assumed were contractions.
Tuesday, November 10th. I laid in bed waiting to see if there was a pattern...sure enough, I came to the conclusion throughout the next hour the consistent pains (about every 10 minutes) were definately a sneak peak to what was about to come...I got up with a nervous & excited energy & decided to take a shower. Ok, maybe not a normal pregnant woman's first actions, but I wasn't in excruciating pain & if this was "it", I wasn't going to head to the hospital not looking fresh with my game face on! Ha. I texted Mike around 5aM to call me when he awoke, knowing he would be getting up for work within the next hour. I packed up some last minute hospital stuff & Mike called me around 6aM. I still had the same nervous excited energy happening & I told him I'm pretty sure I was starting contractions & explained my pain & frequency. Woohoooooo this was happening! He was so excited too, he said he'd shower & give me a call back... I woke up my parents right after I hung up the phone. Grandma jumped out of bed kinda maniac-like, as I calmly explained to her that I thought I was going into labor. We were on the road to Sioux City for the hospital at 6:30aM & dad got ready to go to work...not knowing what was going to happen, we told him we'd keep him posted! Liz was texting me about how excited their household was & told me she could here Mike dropping stuff in the shower...haha! My contractions at this point were getting slightly stronger to the point where I would wince a little. They were short, but coming a little more frequently. I starting logging the times in my phone when I would feel them during the drive up. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30aM. I called Mike & he was on his way from Sioux Falls. I checked in & they started me on the monitors, my contractions were picking up in intensity & between 6-7 minutes apart, then my cervix was checked...I was at 4 cM. I was moved to a birthing room at that point & my nurse said 'you are having your baby today that's for sure'! Holy Cow, ring the alarms!

Hanging out...waiting... =)

Once I was moved into my birthing room, Michael showed up!!! I was so excited to see him, I think my blood pressure dropped (it was a bit spiked when I checked in). Given there was no medical reason for my high BP, my nurse asked me if I was nervous...are you kidding me?! I replied 'yeah I'm freaking out, this is my first pregnancy, I don't know what's going on & I'm freaking out...but I'll try to relax'. My mom & Mike remained my support group throughout the entire experience. My doctor showed up next, with a crochet-like needle looking gadget & broke my water....yeeeouch! It hurt, that's all the further I'll go with that one. She checked my cervix & I was at 5 cM now. My contractions were getting a bit worse (hats off to those who don't use pain blockers...hats off & your trophy is in the mail). I, was not going down that road...epidural time was next. The only difficult part about that procedure was trying to stay completely still throughout contractions as the anesthesiologist worked his magic. After about 10 minutes...I was swaying my legs around happily... heading into No Pain-Dead Leg Land. Mike & mom had their eyes glued on my monitor & asked if I was feeling my contractions at all... No...I kind of forgot about them actually...& a good thing because these things were coming every other minute or so with some going off the charts. Feeling good at this point!

Top: Oliver's heartrate. Bottom: Contractions.

So, we just kicked it, sat around & chatted for a while...& in no time, again I was having my cervix checked...I had just progressed nicely to 8 cM. It was just moving by so quickly...none of this wait around for hours & hours. But...I started to have the sensations of my contractions again...in my back...uh oh...so they tweeked my epi & soon it was gone. The feeling of no feeling in my legs was a bit comical I thought. I was told that I would more than likely be pushing within the next hour...gulp! I was scared...not gonna lie. But, I remained calm (and this was a surprise).

The next time my doctor came in to measure my cervix...around 12:40pM...I was completely dilated & everyone started scurrying around, changing into delivery scrubs & swinging up stirrups & getting in my face...so ready or not...here we go! I still had that nervous excitement thing going on & all I could think was 'this is the moment I've been waiting for for 9 months & I'm about to find out what delivery & labor is all about'.

Inserting no photos here =)

CRAZY is the answer to that! Straight up CRAZY!!! Ok, well, turns out after I had my epidural, the word "push" didn't mean anything for me. I didn't know what pushing was...it's all dead down there...I can't feel the sensation of pushing. And I thought 'how the heck am I gonna pull this off?!' Everyone always uses the expression of 'push like you're having a bowel movement'...ok, well still...I couldn't feel if I was doing that or not! And if that's what you're supposed to do...then riddle me this...how do you not actually have a bowel movement during labor...it sounds like sheer talent if you ask me! Moving on...I pushed for 25 minutes & it went a little like this...

I was still congested from my cold I was battling...I couldn't breath...I had to hold an O2 mask over my face during "rest" periods & it made me feel like I was suffocating...after trying to figure out pushing, I realized I could feel the pressure on my pelvic bones during "my push" & that was the only way I felt like I was doing any work (if that even makes sense)...it was the hardest thing I've ever EVER EVER done in my life...I have never been at that point of exhaustion...it felt like I was doing so much work but nothing was happening...but there was something happening...our doctor soon asked Mike if he'd like to see the top of his head...ahhh crowning...I had my eyes closed most of the time during this hot mess...I was pushing & breathing & holding my breath (my lips turned blue according to Mike & Mom) & yelling profanities in my head...

My coaches...Michael was 'holder of one of my dead heavy legs' & probably saw more than he wanted to, but what do ya do =) He was a great coach & despite the lack of eye contact for most of the delivery...I heard every word he said. And my Mom was 'holder of the cold washcloth on my forehead'. She was by my side & I'm so glad she was in the room with us. And my doctor...a lot of motivation coming from her, all of her C-section & E-p-i-s-i-o-t-o-m-y talk...ugh! And then, 25 minutes later, the pressure was gone & little baby Oliver was here! Michael had the privelege of cutting the cord & then they swooshed him (Oliver not Mike) across the room to his warming bed. Michael immediately went into Proud Daddy mode...taking photos & video & calling family. I, on the other hand, laid back & just quietly cried...haha...it just felt good! At one point the nurse turned & asked me if those were happy tears or pain tears. Oh my...no pain...just happy, extremely extremely happy. There was so much going on at that moment, but, I just felt like I was in such a peaceful place & all this noise was in the far off distance...& then I tuned into Olly crying =) It was the greatest noise in the world. And how do I even begin to explain when the nurse first put him in my arms...I can't.

Michael & I are so happy & can't express enough how our hearts were immediately affected by this precious person. I'm sorry to filter out those that haven't had this experience, but it's really one of those 'you have to experience it yourself' moments. Just an amazing bond & feeling of love your heart has for a person you've known for only seconds. I hate to sound cliche, but it really feels like your heart is going to explode because you love him so much! Ok, enough with the sappy stuff...but I must admit, I've already fallen into a giant sappy mommy, so that's nice! ;)

Allright, back to the details...they whisked him away to the nursery after our bonding time...(& by the way, he scored a perfect 10 on his APGAR test...what a little achiever already). We were moved into the recovery room around 4pM that day...& so began RECOVERY. My legs were still in Numbville. My Dad showed up at the hospital to join us at this point too. Soon to follow was "Aunt" Hillary, Grandma Mary, Grandpa Steve, Aunt Liz, Uncle Jolin & Aunt Emily. It was so fun to introduce him! The next day we had visits from my Aunt Connie, friends Mike & Nancy Allen and Kristi & Derek Drury. Pastor Benson even stopped by to wish us well & say a little prayer for our precious pea. We were discharged from the hospital on Thursday to head back to Holstein.
We were healthy & happy & still going!!!

I am going to add a photo only entry next to share some of the funness we've had so far being parents! PS...my phone is dead & I left my charger in the hospital...you would think that most people would forget to bring it to the hospital, not this gal, I forgot it there...I should have it back sometime tomorrow, this would explain why I haven't responded to you if you've tried to reach me.


  1. Very Good Story Leyna!! I loved it, I have tears in my eyes from laughing and being so happy for you guys! Oliver is going to love reading it someday. Well Hope you are getting some rest..enjoy being a mommy!

  2. Leyna,
    I loved to read this entry, because I couldn't wait to hear your labor story, as you know:) It took me back to the day we had Jax! I'm so glad that you had a pretty easy labor it sounds like:) Whew! Can't wait to meet Olly, text me when you get your charger back!

  3. Awww...such a good post. And love story! Thanks for sharing and I can't wait to hear so much more about Mr. Olly. We already love him so much! And you and Mike too! :)

  4. You just brought me back to delivering Luke and Lillian!! Thanks!!
