
I'll Just Make This Brief.

Went to the Doctor today.
All stats are normal.
Stuck at a 1-2 cm.
Still waiting...waiting...waiting...
I'm convinced my child wants to be born on Friday the 13th...but that's up to him.
Next week's appointment is Tuesday.


  1. You're almost there! I was 38 wks and 2 days. It will be here and gone before you know it. Make sure the car is full of gas!

  2. Mom already put into effect the 'everyone has gas in their cars at all times' rule like 2 weeks ago =) She's a bit nervous about not making it to the hospital in time!

  3. And if I match you Kels...I'll be going tomorrow!!!

  4. You don't want to know how far along I was with Aspen...but I'll tell you anyway... 2 days short of 42 weeks. OMG! The horror! And then, once you get home with the little peanut, you will have a hard time remembering the days without him. It's awesome! I am so excited for you! Soon enough, my friend, soon enough...
