
Happy Keyster!

We journeyed Friday morning through the snow & ice to Keystone for the night. Friends, Aaron & Ashley from Ames, had been vacationing for the week with her family. The roads were horrible but we were determined to get there...well...Mike was more than determined because he had skiing plans with Aaron while the girls & Oliver were planning some shopping. The alarm went off at 5aM & I violently cursed at the morning...still not a morning person despite having a baby & Mike being a crazy morning man. Michael jumped out of bed, did a cartwheel & checked the roads. The day before I-70 (our route) had been closed due to less than stellar driving conditions & a 30 car crash...luckily...they were open & we had the go ahead. When we took off if was horrible...I was already having a panic attack before we even left our block! I was half tempted to grab the bottle of wine I had packed & start taking pulls, but figured that that would be frowned upon by most people! Anyway...I wouldn't continue to give you a step by step description of the ride...but, it got a little hairy...my car may or may not be tagged by the Colorado State Police. Why, you ask...well... somewhere between Mike's road rage & bad weather, we found ourselves going snail pace through Vail Pass (fine for me because going slow was right on my agenda). So let me set this up for you because honestly Michael did nothing wrong...we are travelling east in the left lane...right lane was blocked by semis waiting for spots to put on their chains & the chain lane was occupied by every semi in the tri-state area. We were moving about 3mph with traffic, a state patrol car was stopped behind a semi in the right lane, all of a sudden he decided he wanted to join our lane & just started moving towards our car like a crazy Chicago downtown taxi driver around 5pM! Of course we weren't able to just let him in so we kept moving...Copper did not like this...he slammed on the brakes & glared at me & grabbed his intercom...I closed my eyes & winced because I knew this wasn't going to be good! And it wasn't. It was embarrassing. I was humiliated as all the truckers outside of their semis heard ole State Dick over his intercom scream "HEY IOWA, PAY ATTENTION, I SHOULD PULL YOU OVER, GET OUT OF THE WAY IOWA!" Ughhhh! I knew I should've gotten my Colorado plates! So ridiculous. Anyway, we made it to Keystone without being thrown in the slammer. =)

These photos were actually on the way home...Colorado State Patrol-free.

Copper Mountain.

It was great to see Ashley & Aaron! And Mike once again...although very sore...came back in one piece from skiing. He was convinced that after one day on skiis, he was a snowboarder. And this is now why we have a newly decorated Burton corner of the house. On our way home on Saturday, he found his new snowboard...& now I don't have to keep hearing about how his last snowboard was stolen ;) He also got a lock.

Shrunken head.

On Sunday, we decided to take part in our Easter activities we've been putting off all week. We dyed eggs & baked homemade sugar cookies. Oliver had a good day watching Dad & Mom work hard!

Not really happy about the dying activity.

And watch this!!! =)


  1. I love his giggle!!! He is getting so big!! Glad you had a wonderful Easter!! We are getting dumped with snow today and tomorrow!

  2. great pics! Ollie is huge! His giggles are hilarious too.. and tell that copper to shove it.. He was an ass!
