
Happy Oliver Pose.

For you yoga-goers out there reading & for those that aren't, here's a little taste for the day... It's no wonder where the Happy Baby yoga pose was derived from...it's Oliver's new favorite move =) Try it, it's great for the lower back & the hip joint ;)
Oliver can take you step by step...

Lie on your back. With an exhale, bend your knees into your belly.

Inhale, grip the outsides of your feet with your hands (if you have difficulty holding the feet directly with your hands, hold onto a belt looped over each sole.) Open your knees slightly wider than your torso, then bring them up toward your armpits.

Position each ankle directly over the knee, so your shins are perpendicular to the floor. Flex through the heels. Gently push your feet up into your hands (or the belts) as you pull your hands down to create a resistance.

Coax the thighs in toward your torso and down toward the floor as you lengthen the spine—release your tail bone toward the floor and lengthen the base of your skull away from the back of your neck.
Hold the pose steadily for 30 seconds to one minute. Then release the feet back to the floor with an exhale and rest for a few breaths.

I used to be obsessed with practicing yoga, it's so beneficial for the joints & flexibility, I love it...now I'm just obsessed with sleep & clementines...hmmmm...
maybe I should go dig out my yoga mat Mike threw in the back of the closet =)

And I should also note...not only is Oliver working on his poses, but he is sooooooo close to rolling over!  OMG...mobility is just around the corner!

1 comment:

  1. just saw the sheets. He totally! needs me to make him a Dr Seuss cake for his 1st birthday!!
    ...if only my my cakes could be shipped...
