
Olly Travels Utah.

Last week we took off for a little mini vacay to Utah...

"Uhhh...we're going where?!"

"Utah Oliver, Utah"
"Ok, well I'll just sleep anyway..."

We travelled 3 1/2 hours west to Moab, UT.  We were amazed by what Utah had to offer for scenery.  So quickly it changed from Colorado mountains to the Utah canyons.  A mini Grand Canyon mind you.

Oh and of course, in true Michael Road Trip fashion, we took the scenic route.  Another one of those "where does this road go" roadtrips =)  So, this is us parked on the side of the road less travelled & very close to the area I have dubbed the set of 'The Hills Have Eyes'.  I'm just glad that we stopped before I saw that broken down area or I would have never gotten out of the car...even in the daylight!

We tried to do a timed fam photo...but as you can see...we have yet to master it!

Oliver's favorite part of roadtrips...tunnels!

That was the trip into Moab...a very touristy town...lots of bikers, hikers, campers & jeepers.
We checked out the Moab Brewery & planned our next day.  It was here that I realized that in my quick preparation before departing from Basalt, I forgot my haircomb & deodorant.  But thanks to Michael & an old prison trick...I MacGyvered my way through it.

First destination was Dead Horse Point...& we found out that it's not just a clever name...sorry to you PETA members out there, but it was literally where horses were left to die, back in the day.

Oliver stayed nustled in his stroller most of the time, but we took him out at this lookout point to see if we could get a rise out of him...well...you be the judge of how excited he was about it... =)

I think he was just happy that he didn't drop his paci down the 2500 ft drop below us...there is a road down there, but it takes 4 days to travel the entire space & that would've just been out of our way.

Onto Arches National Park. 
As most of the hikes are not stoller friendly...hence the word hikes...we did most of our siteseeing from the car.  Plenty of arches have been natuarally carved throughout this area, but unfortunately, most of them require trekking some miles to get up close & personal.

Balancing Rock.
I made Mike do this!

This one's for the ladies... =)

The guys hung out under the trees while Mama hiked up to get a good shot of an arch...

And this was all the closer the trail took me...& it felt like I hiked up a mile!  Ugh!  There were literally people walking underneath that thing...we took the wrong trail & it was NOT the stroller friendly one.

This one was towards the end of the 20 some mile drive through the park & as luck would have it, Oliver was a hungry hippo, so I fed him while Mike walked up to get some shots of this one.

And that was the end of our trip.  We took it easy the rest of the day & checked out some areas we definately want to camp at sometime this summer.  We weren't quite prepared (in my mind) for camping this trip...I mean c'mon, I don't even own a sleeping bag & I can't get organized on such short notice for camping with a 5 month old!!!  I have a lot more to catch everyone up on including Oliver's 5 month stats & a first time rice cereal feeding frenzy...we're working on it.  So I will be catching you up on more this week...I hope! =) 


  1. cool! UT is a pleasant surprise, ey? i'd like to spend more time there.

    if you're ever inclined to go further, taking 50 all the way west through nevada is the bomb. they call it 'the loneliest road' out there... the hilight of the motorcycle trip that i took a couple of years ago.


  2. Looks like a great trip! Beautiful scenery. I love the picture of Mike "holding" the rock up :)

  3. Wow! These photos are amazing! I LOVED reading this point. I am so glad that you are really taking advantage of your new location and getting out to explore!

  4. what a sweet ass trip!! and I loved the picture for the ladies.. I may need to head out to Utah myself!
