
Out of Hibernation.

Random photos from the last couple of weeks.  Oliver's 5 month well check reported him just an ounce shy of 17 lbs & he's 26.5 inches long!  His shots went well again...just seriously not fun to sit through...Mike has next visit I swear!  It was a little easier because I knew what to expect, but those cries are heartbreaking.  After we composed ourselves, we were walking back home (the doctor office is right across the street from our place), I asked him if he was still mad at Mama...he smiled at me, so I knew I was outta the doghouse.  

I'm going to try a bit harder to stay out of blogging hibernation, I really have good intentions, but if you know how it goes around this household...you have good intentions & then Mike really wants to try & school me in Tiger Woods golf on the Wii & I have no choice but to prove him I rock & play Wii instead of blogging.  So, really I'm not to blame.  I will try & stay focused, sometimes I swear Michael's ADD is contagious!

THE BEARS ARE OUT OF HIBERNATION!  Just roaming around the streets of Basalt...yeah...just roaming around...people around here just say it like no big deal...I nod my head & act like I'm cool with it, but I'm secretly peeing my pants.  I am from Iowa.  We do not deal with bears on a day to day basis nor do we talk about bears as a common threat!  I knew this was coming, all the public garbage cans have these bear proof (& Leyna proof) handles so they cannot be easily accessed.  Yes...I had to ask Mike how to open those dang things  Apparently they are better this time of year coming out of hibernation than in the fall when they're angry & looking for food aka people.  The bear thing is freaking me out a little I'm not gonna lie!  Ok, a lot.  I don't want to be a homebody, but between the random 2 foot snow showers in the spring & the bears...I just don't know what to do with myself.  A lot of new things out here in the mountains, but I love it.  Enjoy the photos!   

Cruising around Basalt.

And we've started the cereal...had some mixed reviews.
Really enjoyed the flavor & texture...until it came to the point of swallowing.
Since then, he has done a lot better & will take it down...I've even taught him to open his mouth wide...which once I put the cereal in there, he keeps his mouth open & says ahhhhh.  Haha!

More tummy time.

Last weekend we went over to Paul & Sonya's for an Earth Day BBQ.
Sonya & I played dress up with Oliver...

...just kidding =)  We were outside & ill prepared for the sudden cold weather...it changes so frequently & quickly around here!  Sonya let Oliver use one of her scarves to keep his ears warmer.

Wrastling with my monkey!!!

We're just taking it easy these next couple of weekends, my parents will be here in 2 weeks to visit & we seriously can't wait!  Just hope the weather turns back around!
Love from the mountains all!

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