
A Visit From Gma & Gpa & Other Fancy Stories.

My parents flew in last week & spent five days out here with us! It was so nice for Mike & I to see them...but that wasn't the biggest thing...they hadn't seen Oliver for about 3 months & boy was it a bittersweet reunion. We arrived at the airport right as the plane was landing. Aspen airport is tiny! Oliver & I were waiting right up by the doorway & I saw my Dad depart the plane...we watched as he walked towards the door & then I spotted Mom...like 100 yeards in front of my Dad practically running!!! So Mom rushed through the door, tears a flowing ;) But Grandpa was the first to snatch little Oliver out of my arms! It was a great feeling. The next days we spent riding through the area, some new some old scenery, we hiked (yeah!), ate at some of our favorite places right here in Basalt & just relaxed with each other. It was so nice to have them out here, of course it went super fast!!! I wish they could come every other week! Mom kept plotting ways to end up staying another day or two or forever, but they got back on their plane last Tuesday & flew back to the old Cowtown. We sure do miss them & can't wait to see them & the rest of our families in August! Or sooner ;)

We were waiting for grandma & grandpa at the airport for 2 minutes!
Seriously, kid, you act like we were there for like 8 hours!
Really, he just woke up from a nap & apparently did not appreciate the camera in his face =)

Entangled Arms & Excitement!

We stopped at the Woody Creek Tavern, where our friend Sonya was working...
...& it was here I might add...that Olly had his first accidental taste of Budweiser =)
You know how these things happen, the waitress sets down your drink, exciting flailing baby arms start flopping & boom...Budweiser knocked everywhere...it's funny how it goes directly toward toward the curious minor's mouth of all places.
(He was not harmed nor drunk afterwards...just worthy of noting for future reference...oh & it wasn't the last of the accidental tastings of the week...read on...)

Wrongo Dongo...clever name...not bad tasting either.
From the Basalt Wine Shop.

There's nothing distracting about a squeeking giraffe is there?!?!

A Blanket of Clouds.

The hike at Red Hill Trail...

...I would say that it was about 50% successful...100% successful in the way none of us hobbled away with broken ankles...but 50% successful for the lil man in the backpack. He was ok with the hike up, but then we stopped in a nice little shaded area for a bottle break (Oliver, not us, c'mon), he lost his shiz & we ended up having to turn around. Poor little guy had had ENOUGH! He cried & wailed the whole trip down...with his eyes shut mind you. I think we had a little exhaustion/still hungry issue going on. Once back to the car...he did a 180 & was happy smily Olly again. We hope he still enjoys hiking after that.

Mike totally scored Oliver's new Kelty hiking pack...15 bucks at a sale to benefit the Aspen school held in Basalt over the weekend! Basalt is such a thrifty little town.

Mount Sopris.

Colors on the ground.

I mentioned above Oliver's first Budweiser...well...
...the rainy dreary weather finally cleared up & we set out to have a nice lunch outside somewhere...
...Oliver sat quietly on Granny's lap until the waitress came with her salad...cue the crazy flailing baby arms &...yep, vinegrette all over poor Olly's mouth!  We were all stunned & I couldn't stop laughing as I saw him sneak a taste...oddly enough, he stayed cool calm & collected, no screams or cries...just a quick taste of dressing & waited patiently until I wiped the vinegrette beard off his face.  I really debated grabbing my camera during the whole debacle, but I thought I should rescue him from his salad dressing fiasco instead!

Here he is afterward up on Daddy's shoulders =)

And that concluded our short but sweet five days with my parents.  The last couple of days have been brilliantly gorgeous out!  A tad windy, but nothing I am not used to coming from the Windy City itself.  Except now I'm on top of the John Hancock instead of down in the 'burbs...oh well.  We decided to take advantage of the weather & get out biking.  So...I christened my Colorado bicycling days going for a 17 mile ride.  My thoughts on that...well...I have a special farmer's tan & my sit bone area where the...ok, my crotch is in major pain!  And although I was glad to be back on the bike, I haven't felt that kind of hurt in like 6 months ;)  Oh how I forget how that goes if you haven't ridden a bike for a while.  Enough about that, I took the day off today, as the boys took another 22 mile ride to Carbondale hunting for bears.  No bears, but plenty of sun & sweet baby napping time.  We are hoping to get some camping in in the next couple of weekends, weather permitting & who knows what else.  I think that pretty much catches you up on the happenings around here.  I hope to post soon about the Oliver food funness we've been having around here as well...


  1. Great post. Great pictures. Looks like fun was had by all and isn't it wonderful when your parents come and visit!?! Oliver is changing so much and so adorable!!

  2. I love that hiking contraption that oliver is in... that is the funniest thing I have ever seen!!
