
trick or treat. smell my feet.

give me something good to eat...why i still feel the need to say that everytime i say 'trick or treat' is beyond me. so, oliver made his first halloween debut...as a sock monkey. i thought that if i could sum up this last year with one costume...that would be it! he took his partner in crime...sock monkey...with him to help gather some trick or treat loot. we only took him around town to a couple of houses...but they were probably the most decorated spooky houses on the block! oliver was unscathed by their feeble immature attempts to scare him...bwah hahaha (spooky laugh). even this vampire offering him a nasty corpse head full of candy left him bored & unamused. haha! next year will be a whole different story though!

before trick or treating, we spent the day searching for an old cemetary (which we never came across). we settled for checking out the ashcroft ghost town again. except this time i was on a solo mission. once we arrived, oliver was taking a nap & we didn't want to wake him...so michael refused to get out of the car with me. and i don't know if it was the halloween nostalgia or that this place really oozes a creepy vibe...but i didn't last long =) so this is our halloween photo spread...

i had to add this one...he's taking a bath...but after i shot & edited this one...i totally saw a 'back to the future/christopher lloyd' thing going on.

ghost town. okay...i was scared to be there alone i'll admit it. but i tried to keep it cool & calm. i went with the 1920s theme for my semi-dressed up costume. i just wanted to have fun with oliver =)

the sock monkey man.

and some others from the night...we spent the rest of it handing out candy & jumping out of bushes, spooking little kids (just kidding) at paul & sonya's.

lawn deco.

and then we ended the night as i'm sure you did...playing with glow sticks =)

to check out more photos from our "frightening" weekend. check out my flickr site.

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