
basalt aka spookville, colorado.

tis the season to be creepy! i love halloween. i love the decor. i love the old scary movies available on demand. i love that there's a way to score some free halloween candy this year...and many more years to come ;) but, i am tapping my fingers on the table about oliver's halloween costume. i am one to dream big, but i, for some reason, never can pull it off when it comes to costumes. it either turns out looking completely tacky & cheap or just looks like i crawled out of a dumpster. so, i had a great idea this year, that included all three of us. well, what do you know...when it came to getting everything together, the internet skunked us again. (remember there is minimal shopping opps around here). and most of what i had ordered, turned out to be out of stock through the website. so...it was too late to try & research everything again, so i bit the bullet & went with a premade costume. except...it still hasn't arrived yet! i am fully blaming the internet if we fail oliver's first halloween. what lousy parents we'll be! just kidding. but i'm still crossing my fingers...avoiding mirrors & black cats.

i'm not one to spread bad news. but i just can't go without mentioning what weird of an event that occured here in basalt. tis the season. a man was found hung in the cemetary last week. poor, troubled man but...remember the cemetary??? the one we watched the junk fireworks show on the 4th??? yes, it was that one! (http://babyschweitzberger.blogspot.com/2010/07/first-strokes-firefall-fireworks.htmlthe story gave me chills!

paul & sonya joined us this week for some serious pumpkin carving. we kept our design a secret until we were all finished...then we unveiled. they all turned out great. while paul & sonya are still floating on cloud nine...they each did a sweet homage to each other...while mike & i...did the traditional scary jack-o-lantern faces. i don't think that's a reflection of our relationship at all =) we give paul & sonya a free pass...they're still all lovey-dovey "we're getting married" trippy.


paul & sonya.

'eye heart sony'.


and then there's mine...a pumpkin eating another pumpkin, cute, huh?!

and another frightening thing happened this week...the first snow of the season. ugh. i am not a snow enthusiast. i know, i know...i live in the mountains. there's one way i do not fit in with these mountain folk. i hate snow. but, it's not the worst the worst thing in the world. areas around us had over a foot, although down in our valley, it wasn't quite as much. we are counting this is olly's first snow. he was way too young last year to remember, because if he could, there was plenty of it all around!

and...three days later, the snow stopped. we had sunshine today. so, oliver & i took a walk through town. venturing out with a latte, stocking hat & olly's cozy blanky to catch some last fall shots before it quickly turns into winter around here.

my favorite little alley-way.

basalt mountain...watch out for bears!

got your back.


downtown shop view.

oh...& the store they named after me ;)

don't forget to stop here!

and that's some of our little spooktown we live in =) i love it.
and it's actually not scary at all. just a quaint little mountain town. except i did find someone going through my car the other night trying to rob me of something. even though i left my cardoors unlocked (which i never do?!), i don't leave valuables in there. oliver may have left some puffs for him...but he did not get away with anything!

so...hope your weekends are filled with lots of tricks & lots of treats. boo-bye! i'll make sure to update you on how much candy oliver scored for us & hopefully (fingers crossed), hopefully he will have a costume on. ugh!

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