

whoa. that's really how i feel! whoa. eleven months. what am i going to do with a one year old baby?! ha, i'll be saying that until he's forty, so i better get used to my baby aging. and by the way, i completely forgot about the eleven month post! i was reminded when fellow bloggie, juli, posted her colton's eleven month shout out. (he's one day older than oliver, so i'm glad she was on the ball). and so it starts...i start slipping...i start forgetting to post major milestones...i will. try. to do. my best. now all i'm going to be obsessed about until november 10th is planning & organizing his one year celebration! woohoo! party! i also have to secure the halloween costume & figure out our holiday plans...
oliver grows.
oliver has been cruising everywhere. nothing is off limits, in his mind, for sticking in his mouth. he has three new teeth coming in...looks like he's going to have his mama's stubborn teeth, but at least we more than two finally! he waves. says dada. is a great hugger...& snuggler still. it is true...this is such a good age...he's still wanting to snuggle with mama, but being on the verge of complete mobility...i have a sneaking suspicion that may change. he continues to want to live outdoors...it's going to be really interesting come winter. i am not a play in the snow kinda person =( and the other major happening this month, a new carseat. so, with that...let me share with you a story i will call 'oliver & his new carseat'. i will caution those of you readers that have weak stomachs or are nauseously pregnant right now. it may not be settling to continue on...i'm just saying.

so, tis the season for pumpkins! our market finally got pumpkin on the shelves, so i was eager to have oliver try some! and he did. and he did not protest. and since this was just after we returned again from the midwest, we were needing to stock up on some supplies. and since basalt is not a 'get anything you need' kind of town, unless it's a vanilla latte or a patagonia fleece...we usually end up heading up to glenwood springs, a simple drive (a little similar to the holstein-sioux city trip for those of you familiar with that). so i get oliver stuffed into his infant seat (yes! we were aware that it was about time to convert to something bigger) & we head to glenwood. there has been frequent construction happening in the area as they prepare for the next winter season, so it was no surprise that we had to merge to one lane because they were putting new asphalt on the other lane. the traffic was a bit backed up than normal for the time of day it was, but we weren't in a hurry... and then...and then... i heard it. the gagging belch where you know what is surely going to follow. oliver let out this gagging belch & i glanced back to check what was up just in time to witness him projectile vomit. pumpkin. formula. crackers. digestive juices mix. and then again, and again. three giant vomits spewing from his mouth! he was a little stunned at what just happened because it was pretty amazing & i was freaking! we were literally stuck between a rock (the mountain) & a hard place (construction barricades)...with a giant pile of puke. everywhere! i couldn't do anything until we got out of traffic... i made it to the parking lot of target & flew into the backseat where oliver still sat with his stunned look. i mean, this stuff was caked CAKED all over the front of him, his face, his clothes, the sides of the carseats & buckles, behind him, blaahhh. everywhere. of course, as my luck goes, it was like the one time i didn't have a spare set of clothes or more than three wipes with me. i was ashamed to consider myself a usually very prepared mom. but...tis parenthood. you cannot prepare for everything! so at least i was at target. i had to take off his overalls because to bring him in like that would make me look like a huge dirtball mom...& the smell...oh the smell! so yes, there i was bobbling my son in my arms, trying to hold a changing cloth over his diapered only bottom, grab some new clothes off the shelves that were still semi-cute, paying for them & taking my kid to the bathroom of target to sponge bathe him. really?! so with half of the problem solved...oliver was pretty much unscathed by the whole ordeal after he was cleaned up & had pants on again. i was picking up what i needed, strolling with the cart when it dawned on me that i could not COULD NOT put him back in that seat. not only would we be back to square one on the mess situation, but the smell, once again. it would have been child abuse. so, this was the day oliver got his new carseat. he could've seriously gone about it a different way, but he clearly made his point =) i surprised mike with the old demolished carseat when he got home from work. we were able to salvage it too...with a little powerwash & a couple trips through the washing machine, it's good to go again ;) this will be one of those memories permanently burned into my mind! forever. and feel free to use it as "birth control" on your own adolescent children, siblings, neices, nephews what have you =) you can thank oliver & his giant pile of upchuck.

love you pumpkin boo boo!

1 comment:

  1. Glad I could help you remember month 11. I just can't believe it's month 11!!!

    Nice puke story! Nice timing Oliver!
