
oktoberfest & other weekend get togethers.

this weekend, we had planned the pumpkin patch experience for saturday, but had to postpone until next weekend (hopefully) b/c daddy worked later than he thought he was going to have to. i'm not gonna lie, i was pretty bummed out about this because i have never been to a pumpkin patch (i know?!) & i really wanted to use the weekend's nice weather for some additional oliver photos...but...i will just have to be patient & cross my fingers next weekend remains gorgeous like it was this one! but, fortunately, we weren't out of options for goings-ons around here to take part in. carbondale (a quick 10 mins from here) was having their oktoberfest through the weekend. friday was a little soggy, off & on, so we were a little hesitant, but so glad we were convinced by sonya & paul to head over. since our latest travels, we were a little out of touch from friends here, so it was great to catch up with everyone! and as you would expect, we weren't disappointed with your typical oktoberfest happenings...steins of tasty german beer, a big enough kielbasa to feed a small country, music, over-excited german celebraters in semi-inappropriate get ups, nail hammering contest, men in kilts & bagpipes. well this last one threw me off a bit because i thought kilts & bagpipes were an irish tradition?! i didn't do my research & i'm probably not going to...i just wasn't certain, so maybe someone can help me out here??? anyway, back to the nail-hammering contest. our buddy paul was secretly entered into the contest, under the appropriate alias 'pauly hammer'. as a carpenter, you would have high hopes for his success in this contest, but as the germans would have it, you use the opposite end to hammer in the nail. taking the hammer head out of the equation & add a stein of brewski...it was good entertainment. paul was the first one eliminated & friend damon was soon to follow. but like i said, it was good entertainment despite their early defeat. 

then on sunday, we joined paul & sonya at their house. along with other friends & some new faces. the guys played horseshoes, oliver explored, & i took photos while wondering through their unique space. such a charming yard, home & playhouse. we were glad to spend the day soaking in the fall sunshine & relaxing on the porch! gotta take advantage before the snow rolls in....nooooooooo...for those of you wondering, it has already snowed above 10,000 ft here. i took a drive to aspen today & was amazed to see snow on the tall peaks. i am just reveling in how beautiful it is out here right now. i know i keep repeating myself, but it is breathtaking! i'm also planning on a nice drive this weekend & i will for sure gather photographic evidence of what i am talking about.

sony's playhouse...turned art-for-kids studio...so cute!

oliver was occupied most of the time by the candle holder...unlit candle holder.

and...we made caramel apples this weekend...
we even martha-stewarted them up & topped with crushed peanuts & chocolate chips. ha!

lastly, below is one of the photos from oliver's fall shoot...i posted on 'luckyville' blog so
hit up the link below to view more...


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