
a daycare dilemma.

so...many things have evolved for us in the past year. and one piece of the evolution that made the transition into 'once again' iowa living was the security of a dear friend watching oliver. the fears of leaving our baby with someone were absent. the fears & the questions & the anxiety that would have surely come with leaving our dear baby with someone else for the entire day were never present! and i {we} have been so grateful for that. until...we received some very sad news the other day. our friend, through much personal debate, has decided to pursue other options. thus, leaving the daycare scene. enter...heart sink & panic & an uncontrollable craving for vanilla pudding & oreos! that craving really happened...but this is definitely a very serious serious matter! and we love LoVe LOVE our "zee zee" as oliver refers to her as. and we are happy for her to embark on a new opportunity. it's hard to make decisions that change not only your life, but others. so we support her decision 99.99% =) because days with "zee zee" will definitely be missed!

not gonna lie...if you don't already know this, holstein is not exactly the land of much opportunity...for anything. don't get me wrong, you can thrive here. but you have to work at it & drive at least 45 minutes to experience cuisine other than french fries or a store that is open past 11 pM. and b/c of this...we are at a loss for options in daycare. and we now have one month to figure out where...oh where...will our babies spend their days?! the urgency. the anxiousness. the skepticism. the trust issues. the urgency! my mind is swirling for an answer. every suggestion or idea of someone who could possibly take over has been squashed thus far. so we continue to search & develop options...but we're running out. it will be interesting if we can pull this one off. i am allowed 6 weeks of maternity leave. and within this 6 weeks is when our "zee zee" will be discontinued. so we've got to find an answer!

an answer?

an answer?

any answer?

stay tuned to this dilemma! crap! but life is moving on despite...i experienced contractions a night ago that had me convinced that i WAS SERIOUSLY IN LABOR. i laid in bed, as michael snored away in dreamland...wincing & just anticipating my water breaking. i didn't time them, i didn't care...they hurt...& i couldn't move. and for an hour this proceeded. and then POOF...they were gone! skunked again!

i think mr. oliver said he had a book report due early monday morning...

aside from the dilemma...michael is so close to finishing the kitchen floor! and it looks good...can't wait to share! we've decided to continue with some additional changes in the kitchen now that we know what the floor is going to look like. but, once the kitchen floor is finished...we have tile, the bathroom & then moving back in! i know that i keep dwelling on this story...but it's kind of a big deal. we're still up at my parents house to avoid toxic fumes. and we have the house to ourselves for the next week. my parents had previous to our pregnancy news, scheduled a week-long mexico vacation. and after our announcement of new life...my mom has been nervous nervous nervous about me going into labor while they were gone. which would be okay, i mean, what are ya gonna do...but i know that it's such a special time, that they just don't want to miss it. so...we'll see if schweitzbaby listens to bumpa's request to "stay in there" until they arrive back in the u.s. 

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