
They Say It's Your Birthday.

The past couple weekends, Mike & I have helped celebrate some birthdays... we first helped my mother celebrate her 50th...well officially not 50 for a couple more days...but the celebration has already taken place. Yeah mom, I outted your age in my blog. Sorry =) A band helped us ring in the new age down at the country club in Holstein. And being the Sober Sally that I was, I had some prime time entertainment with the dancing, singing & being merry! Mom's friends even got her up on stage to sing 'Mustang Sally'...one of mom's favorite pasttimes when a band is around =) It was a lot of fun...Happy Birthday Mom & Grandma!

This last weekend we were up in Sioux Falls & helped Mike's brother-in-law, Jolin, celebrate his 30th. Liz had some planning up her sleeve & pulled off a surprise party for her man...complete with munchies, spirits, balloons, cake, great company & yard games. And when I say yard games, I mean giant inflatable bouncy thingy for the kids to play in. Oh wait...it wasn't only for the kids =) Big kids had their fun too...& they continued their fun well into the night...& although I obviously continued my role as Sober Sally, I had a lot of fun...mostly laughing hysterically at those drinking (or keg standing) the spirits! There definitely was no lack of dancing & story telling with this crew! Kudos Liz on a great party & Happy Birthday Jolin!

PS...Michael...good job on the cake!!! I know you told me not to tell anyone...but you did a great job making the cake & frosting by scratch. Betty Crocker better watch herself...oh & you're going to be in charge of Baby's Birthday cakes now you've proven success around the Kitchen Aid Mixer. Plus I burn most things I put in the oven. =) And speaking of birthdays...we continue to just keep trucking along in the pregnancy. The excitement level is growing of course, along with my belly & the movement within. It's helping the antcipation along for sure...that & the new babies that are popping out all over the place. Congrats to those friends that have welcomed their new babies! Pretty soon...it's going to be my turn...ahhhhh! Baby & I go in this week for another regular checkup. After that...we start heading back every 2 weeks!


  1. That looks like so much fun! I want to jump around in a blow up bouncy kingdom!! Keep on trucking along mama!!

  2. Your hair looks super cute! And I'm definitely going to require some kegstands on my 30th birthday. Or possibly my wedding reception (and you'll be able to drink then, yay!) Ha! I can't wait to see you on Thursday!

  3. That is such a cute pic of you and Mike! Are those maternity jeans? If so, where did you get them? I love them!
