
Things I've Learned This Past Week.

Cruise Control is not a standard feature on vehicles! What?! Really?! I was naive to think so myself! Pregnancy Brain strikes again...when purchasing a new vehicle this past week b/c my old one was deemed an "Unsafe P-O-S" by Michael, I failed to even think twice about this amenity. It was necessary for me to get something that was going to provide safe transportation for our "precious cargo". Let me just clarify a bit of history in this department...I hate hate hate car shopping (please ask Mike or my Father if you need more details...but I wouldn't advise it because I don't think happy things would be said)...& second, I have a good driving record. It just seems that my vehicle has been a magnet for people to slam into...& not causing total damage, just enough to cause less than stellar aesthetics but still driveable. I didn't really mind my pitiful ride until I found out I was pregnant & then we started thinking safety for Baby...so it was definitely time to do something about the progressive affects of the above mentioned accidents (neither my fault for the record...no kidding). But, anyway, I didn't realize there was no cruise control until I had made the deal & merged onto the interstate...major bummer, but hopefully I can train myself to withhold the correct speed without obtaining any tickets!!!

Second thing I learned this week...I am way too sweet already...as if this was up for debate =) After downing my "sugar drink" for my glucose test today, it sent my levels way too high! I failed! Flunked! Need to retake the test! Ugh...never heard that once during my whole scholastic career & here I was listening to my Doctor tell me "you flunked"! Dang. So, I prepare for a fun-filled 4 hour test at the hospital. And other than that...our checkup today went good. Baby is still developing normal, I'm continuing to gain weight & other than receiving a flu shot, I left once again not having to feel violated. The longer I can hold that off, the better...although the chances of invasive appointments are getting to be more probable now, given I will be heading back every 2 weeks now.

Third thing I've realized this past week...it's really not cool to be job searching at 29 weeks prego. The odds don't seem to be with me. Tragic. And that's enough on that, because I could probably blog for the rest of the night on this subject & I don't want my blog to be a violent space. =)

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