
Just Call Me Fatso.

My cousin Eric is quite fond of this new nickname for me. Haha! We all get a good laugh out of it. But today, I am officially saying that I've reached the Pregnancy Milestone: UNCOMFORTABLE. My energy level has plumeted again...great...that was a good 4 week run...I thought I had you back...but now I feel like I won't be seeing you again for about 18 years. I'm not overexaggerating this either, I can't climb a flight of stairs without taking a time out to regroup & check to see if my legs made the trip with me or not. My lung capacity feels like that of an 85-year old lady who's smoked a pack a day since she was 13. I don't really know what this would feel like, but this is how I'm imagining it would feel. Not good. So, little bottle ticker up there on top of my page claiming we have '65 days left'...please hurry up!!! And another thing...ladies who are already mothers...you're not helping when you ask me how I'm feeling & I let you know & you respond..."oohhhh you just wait, it only gets worse" =( I mean...I'm sure it does, but I don't want to hear it. I'd rather hear you say 'you are glowing'...which is another one of my unfavorite things to hear, but at least it's a compliment & although I won't really believe you, it's better than painting a picture of complete miserableness in my mind.

What else can I report on...Baby has found my ribs & loves them. He also enjoys his morning aerobics routine at about 7 aM & then again late at night. We signed up for a Childbirth Prep Class at the hospital we're planning to deliver at. I am anticipating what they have to inform us about being prepared =) I think Michael is nervous about the trip up to the hospital when I go into labor...he's convinced we won't have enough time & I'm going to deliver in the car...haha prepare for that!

Anyway, I'm just gonna keep truckin at my snail-like pace, counting down the days & hoping to avoid every cardio activity...except eating, blogging & trying to paint my toenails...all of which I now consider cardio activities b/c I can break a sweat in the effort. And if you're reading this & can touch your toes...please take a second out of your day & touch them...I am jealous. Cheers!


  1. :) delivering on the way to the hospital (assuming all went well of course!) would be AWESOME compared to a long haul...

    you really are glowing, hans. dont let hanny get you down - he's making up for all those torturous years w/ donna poking fun at he and i's weight problem (along w/ bragging about her sick free throw shooting ability of course). that said, i'll prly join him in the name calling when home. ha.

    we'll be back weekend after next (26th) - hope to see ya!

  2. I LOVE reading your blog. It just reminds me of how much we should get together everyone we know and write the REAL BOOK on pregnancy. Not the nicey business that we all try to read, but the down and dirty crap that you have to endure while pregnant and after.

    You make me laugh, but only because I can say I know EXACTLY how you feel! And, the other mothers are right when they say it does get worse, but the GOOD thing is.....the things the suck ass now, get better (like being able to breathe and walk and eat and sleep somewhere other than your side!)

    As for ChildBirth Class, get ready for a laugh. I imagine you and Mike will be like Shane and I. You should just sit in the very back so when you laugh (and you will - a lot!) the stink-eye travels over everyone there.

    All I can say about the trip to the hospital is make sure you have towels on the seat of your car. Seriously. No joke. Just do it. I suggest doing it now so you don't forget. Even if it's not messy, it will still be wet and you will always know.....even after it dries. Gross. Towels....now....and a tarp, maybe.

    FYI: You are glowing.....still glowing, I should say. Keep up the good work, there's a hell of a reward in the end.
