
No Sugar Baby.

I went in for my glucose retake test on Tuesday...it was fun...for those of you that haven't had this experience let me cliffnote it for ya (it's more like extended cliffnotes b/c I ramble a lot):
Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before you plan on going in (& if you were like me...you were getting your butt to the lab asap in the morning b/c the nothing to eat until it was over was going to quickly turn me to violence if I waited).

1st blood draw (if your levels are "normal" you chug another glucose drink...if you don't, well I don't know b/c my levels were ok). And by the way...that 2nd glucose drink, I'm pretty sure they up the glucose level b/c it gave me flashbacks of my 24-hr a day nauseouness I about threw in the towel. A student lab tech turned to me & was really curious as to 'how it was'...really lady...go over to that fridge & grab one yourself, toss it down & get back to me on that...seriously. So, I headed out to the waiting room & this hour I attempted to catch up on Facebook happenings & read new blogs...not very enjoyable though (feeling sicker than a dog). Mike graced me with his presence after a coffee run. We briefly discussed some fantasy coffee shop plans & then he retreated to his PSP baseball game. I nodded in & out of nauseousness comas & then waddled back to the lab.

Second blood draw (they switch arms thankfully) & then back out to the waiting room. This hour I was feeling a little better & I downed some water...at least they do allow you to drink H20...if you have an imagination you can imagine it's a nice margarita you're sipping on the beaches of Fiji...that helps. I retreated this time to people watching...you get all kinds in the waiting room of a hospital! Mike is actually fun to people watch with b/c we usually end up making up stories of their entire lives as 'we' know it. Haha! And of course, about 10 feet away was the 'I have to talk obnoxiously loud about everything in a setting that should be quiet lady'...there's always one lurking around. I will give her credit for letting me borrow her newspaper as she watched Mike's unsuccessful battle with the newspaper machine. Read that & waddled back into the lab.

Third blood draw. They switched it up again...thanks. Waddled back to the waiting room. One last hour & then I was free. This hour I could handle getting back onto the computer, so I messed around on that & listened to Michael talk about nonsense.

And finally...fourth blood draw. I would have to wait until later that afternoon or the next morning for results...so I did. When we left, I believe Michael was hungrier than I, so we grabbed lunch & headed home.

The next day I awoke with my arms looking like a heroine addict, but I also had a message from my doctor's office stating I had PASSED & had nothing to worry about! Relief set in knowing I didn't have a sugar baby...but a sweet little guy that I'm anxiously waiting to get out of me =) Awww.

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