

My blogosphere nip/tuck fans, I hope you enjoyed my title reference, but it's not just a clever title, there's an appropriate story to follow... I do not have the steady hands of a surgeon. I was never good at the childhood game Operation. And I will never have a career in pinstriping. That said, I think you may have a clue where this is going...

Du-dundt...du-dundt...(think Jaws theme music).
So the clipping of the nails has to be another one of the most dreaded things (note we just got done with shots 4 days ago) to do to your infant. I had kind of been putting this one off for a while...at first they just seemed to flake off themselves, so I let it go. Then I would lightly take the file, but now the little razor sharp daggers at the end of my son's fingertips just had to be dealt with. The last scratch on his face left me with no other option. Deal with it & just clip them! I went in with pure confidence...& it went down like this...

*clip* ahhhh...first one done...& it was the pinky...if I could get the pinky with no problems, then I would have no problem with the rest of them...the pinky is the tiniest one! My confidence built up.

*clip* Oh yes! Another successful clipping...keep going...

*clip* Oh wait! Oh no! I had done it. I had nipped the skin & he was not about to let it slide! Then insued the wailing and wailing and wailing and sniffling and red-face and sniffling and crying and screaming and sniffling and crying and tears and wailing and screaming and tears and 10 minutes later...we were calmed down & I had lost all my confidence in tackling the clipping of the nails. Done. Dang it!

Once again, after a lot of lovin & cuddling from Mama...
the smiles & good times returned.

Oliver would rather kick his legs instead of holding still for the shot,
so he slides right down before I can get a good one.

Lovin the chunky cheeks.

1 comment:

  1. I once cut 3 of Jack's fingers bad enough to need bandaids! I recommend just biting them off yourself while they are still soft
