
Mr. Big Stuff.

Oliver had his 2 month Dr appointment this last Friday. He's weighing in at 12 lbs 5 1/2ozs & measures 23 1/2 inches long...this means he's doubled his weight since we brought him home & has grown 3 1/2 inches! Wow. The kid has a clean bill of health, so we are so grateful for that! I am sharing some photos from the day. I don't want to bring up the great debate of immunizations (gasp, boo, hiss)...but, we are allowing immunizations, so he had his first shots at this appointment too. There is a reason why they say it hurts the parents more than it hurts the baby! Oh so sad! Of course I was dreading this part of the visit, & after receiving the instructions for how this was gonna go down...I braced myself for what was surely the hardest I have ever heard my son cry! They stuck him, he looked at me with huge wide eyes, I was sure I heard him shout at me 'Mom! You son of a * * * * *! Why'd you let them do that to me?!' & then his face turned the color of the outfit he was wearing!!! It took everything in me to not cry as his Dr & nurse, who just vanished out of the room...closing the door behind them. Uhhhhhhh...Leaving me there alone with my wailing little baby boy. Ugh. That was quite the new parent experience! He did very well the rest of the day, despite being a little sleepier than norm. With Mike in Colorado, although I know he would've loved to be there with us, dodged being the "mean parent"...so...his turn next time. =(

After it went down.
Note I'm getting "The Look" & his fist is clenched.
Yikes, I was in trouble!

Later in the day...all is good!
The smiles returned & I was let out of the doghouse.


  1. ava wants oliver to know "i loves him...e-i-e-i-o...baby on the bus goes waaa waaa waaa" - seriously she wanted me to quote her on this...ha...come and visit soon if you guys are needing a get away!!!

  2. Oh, Leyna. So hard.....those shots. They do suck, but I justify like this. The shots hurt (bad), but polio would hurt REALLY bad! It's a tough decision, but it's yours! And always remember, just because you choose to give them the shots, doesn't mean you have to do it on their schedule....you can space them out further than they 'reccommend'. Again...your choice! Glad he rebounded so fast!

  3. Oh those yucky shots! Colton has his next week. I'm not looking forward to it.

  4. shots, yucky!!! Glad to hear he is healthy.
    I love the pic of him and the monky by the way. you need that big!!
