

Oliver Grows.
Adjusted well to Basalt's 6620 ft elevation...
Holstein's elevation is 1437 ft (I googled it).
Smiles when smiled at.
Your legs are getting soooooo strong.
Grabs everything you put in his view...then attempts to stick it in his mouth...then gets mad when his (let's say his stuffed ugly doll the size of my head) won't fit.
Likes his ugly doll Ox...it's not really a doll doll...google it.
Likes to help hold the bottle when eating...helps put in & out of mouth.
Figuring out the eye-hand coordination.
Attempts ab crunches...no I'm not pushing my Pilates on him!  He just wants to sit up so bad!!!
Hair is starting to grow back in...it looks blondish brown.
Mastered the catnap...20-40 minutes tops...I guess I have to take into account he sleeps through the night...still ;)
Still likes his mama holding him.
Thinks the shiny silver faucet is the coolest thing ever...everytime we are in the bathroom he stares at it until I bend down & let him touch it.  Haha!  What a goof.
More interested in toys & books read to him.
Loves loves loves music.
Splashes & kicks in the bathtub.
Shows interest in rolling over & standing up when supported.
Doesn't so much like tummy time...but we trade that in for some Bumbo time...he can handle that for a little longer.
Is going to really enjoy the jogging stroller once I get it out & about...we practice around the house =)
Keep growing & surprising us our little 'curious george'!!!
Love you.

PS...that's Ox.

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