
RSVp Not Necessary.

Within the first week of settling in...Oliver acquired RSV.  He was starting to cough & sneeze after we moved in & then it progressively got worse over the first weekend.  Poor guy!  We've been so lucky with a healthy little boy, this was our first run in with a problem.  We got him into the doctor first thing on Monday & he tested postive for RSV (Respiratory Syncitial Virus).  Since then, he has been improving greatly with treatment.  Now I, on the other hand, have taken a turn for the worse.  As Oliver improves, I get more sick!  RSV is contagious but in adults it appears as a common cold.  So, we've been holding up in our new home full of germs & virus...I have tried to keep things under control trying to take care of sick child while sick myself & it can be a bit of a challenge at times.  Especially now that he is gaining energy while I want to lay in bed all day & ring my little bell & be catered to.  Guess what...that doesn't get to happen!  Michael has been a good help, running to the store & giving me medicine in the morning before he leaves =)  I'm sure in no time we'll all be feeling 100% & we can go out exploring the mountains!

1 comment:

  1. :( feel better!! henry has a double ear infection so we've been a little disheveled lately also... sarah's a very good teammate, and i'm learning. :)

    hope you get settled in well!
