
What's Going On Around Here You Ask...

Well...I don't want to use my blog to complain, but we've been in Colorado for three weeks now & of that time, I am on my second week of being sick.  Oliver & I both spent a week being sick together, he soon recovered & is back to being a happy bouncing baby boy...I am still stuck with the sneezing, nasal congestion, on the verge of a sinus infection, ears plugged, achy neck shoulders, back, facial pain (?)...& not to even mention my mood!  Michael is ready for me to be healthy again ;)  It is a struggle to take care of an energetic newborn all day in this state of unhealthiness...by 3 pM, I have exhausted all my energy & just stare at the clock, longing for Mike to get home...but that doesn't happen for another 2-3 more hours!  I haven't been this sick in a while.  I do feel it turning around though.  I went to the doctor earlier this week & I am finally starting to feel my symptoms subside...thankfully!  I only vent about it here because it's prohibiting me from experiencing our wonderful new surroundings.  We sure do dodge the nasty weather down here in the valley, & there have been many an opportunity to get out & take a jog or walk...soon soon I suppose.

We did get out last weekend for a bit.  We spent Saturday running errands, which Oliver thoroughly enjoyed the in & out of the car.  He's actually a really great traveller both short & long distances, so I'm glad about that.  But for some reason, he always poops in Target.  Everytime I have to change his dirty diaper when I'm there...& with the blocked nasal passages, I haven't been able to smell anything (or taste for that matter...but I'm not using that sense here...just thought I'd mention it) for a week.  Therefore, I don't smell it, I have to go by his mannerisms & sometimes facial expressions, which with him, really give it away what's going on down there in those pants.  I don't know...

So, Sunday we took a visit to Aspen.  I was super excited, as I was definately looking for Steven Tyler or maybe JT running around...but our day was cut short with the weather.  It was beautiful & sunny when we got there, so we strolled around the ped mall area & found a place to eat...Bad Billy's.  By the time we were done eating, changed Oliver in less than stellar conditions of a bathroom, the clouds, wind & the snow rolled in.  That put a hault to our strolling around & my potential spotting of Tom Hanks or Jennifer Aniston. 

Other happenings around here include a major rockslide that happened the beginning of this week, Monday.  If you read my entry about our trip out here, I mentioned an awesome canyon that we drove through right before we hit Glenwood Springs (approx 19 miles before Basalt).  Glenwood Canyon is an amazing site to see, especially the first time, but the temperature rise & fall the last month has caused some havov with the boulders rising above the interstate (I-70).  Approximately 20 large boulders fell around midnight (no one was injured) on Monday.  The slide caused closures in both directions on I-70 for four days...the detour was 200 miles or 2 hours around the 17 mile closure!  Suck!!!  Glad we don't have to travel that stretch for anything!  You can read more at http://www.denverpost.com/ci_14633690 if you're intersted, if not, here's one of the photos from the damage.  Pretty sure that this doesn't increase my confidence in driving through the mountains just yet!  And as a side story...this is the westbound lane on I-70...something I learned here is that the eastbound lane is strategically placed at a lower elevation so that it aesthetically looks like the slope of the mountain...& this was all John Denver's idea.  Now, I am quoting this from Michael...so if it's not true, then he made it up & I bought it & I am now selling it to you.  Check it out, it's a hot mess.

And here are some photos from our last weekend...


  1. I love all the pictures of the scenery!! So pretty... Hope your feeling better asap!

  2. Cute pictures. Especially the one of your mountain men!
    Hopefully you will start feeling better soon!

  3. Awww! We love the pics of Oliver in his little French hat!! ;) He is so cute Leyna!!!!!!!! (and so are you & Mike!) :)
